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Angst in this chapter, good angst, but painful. Do not read if you are on your period. It will make you rage.

(1 year later, the story skips the earlier years a lot)

I'm 5 now. My horns have fully come in. Today is a pretty good day. Wilbur is 3 now and Technoblade is 7 now. I'm 5'1 now, which is apparently the human size for a 12 year old female? I'm growing too fast. I can't remember a lot, as I get older my memory gets worse. I accidentally went out in the rain because I forgot that it hurt. Kristin might take me to school. She said it's a over-world thing where kids go to a big room and they get to play with other kids! It sounded like a lot of fun.

When we got to school though, not everything was as fun as she said it was.

There were 15 kids in my tiny class. There was a blonde one with green on and he liked to be called Dream, even though his real name was Clay. He wasn't very nice.

He told me I was weird for being a hybrid, and that I looked funny.

"You're so weird Ranboo. Who named you that? They must not be very smart. Just like you! You're all monochrome that's so weird. You should be more colorful like Sapnap and Me. I think you would like George a lot tho because he can't see colors. He's an annoying little brat." Dream told me.

Purple particles began to form around me, and my tiny Enderman wails screeched out into the classroom, my way of crying.

You're Kristin's beautiful little Enderman!

I whispered to myself as I tried to cheer myself up. But I couldn't stop the tears. I ran as fast as my longer legs could carry me, and locked myself in the bathroom.

I crumpled to a heap in the floor. The purple particles around me began to become a purple cloud, and I started to hyperventilate because of it.

I couldn't calm myself down, I don't remember why what Dream said made me hurt so bad. He was one kid.

"You're such a bad little boy Ranboo! You're so ugly and weird. I wish you hadn't been born! Now go sit in the corner you bad bad little boy!"


That's what my daddy used to say.

He didn't like me very much.


When I wake up, I'm in a bed, but not mine. Kristin and Phil are standing there, and Technoblade, Wilbur, and Tommy are on the other side, watching and waiting for me to wake up. I sit up.

"Oh my goodness Ranboo you're awake!" Kristin exclaims.

"You had an asthma attack at school." She tells me.

I didn't like that. I could remember what school was, but I remember Dream and I remember he told me that I was weird. He treated me how Daddy used to.

I decided that I wouldn't bother Phil and Kristin anymore. They were busy with Techno and Wilbur and Tommy.

I decided I was gonna leave. I was gonna go live on my own.


I woke up early, I gave each of my "brothers" a hug and a forehead kiss, snuggling Tommy one last time. I knew I would probably forget about them, but I hoped they wouldn't forget me. I packed myself a sandwich and went outside. I decided to walk to the beach. I saw the water, and I was very much afraid of it, but I made a boat and pushed it in. I began to row the boat, and it seemed as though the journey would go on forever.

But soon enough, I arrived on a small island, with an abandoned home.

I went inside. There was nothing there but food and supplies. I decided to curl up and fall asleep.


(Kristin's POV)

Ranboo left. His tiny note scribbled in Enderwalk read that he wouldn't be coming back. He said he was sorry if he ever forgot us, but that he hoped we wouldn't forget him.

It deeply saddens me that he felt the need to leave. I sent Phil to look, but after days and still no progress, we gave up on finding the little boy.

He would show up again one day.

I know it.

Of course he will.

I hope.

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