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9 years later, the story is now just getting started!

I'm 14 now. I can't seem to remember much at all. I've lived on this little island, alone for so very long. I remember a few things about the past. I remember that Daddy used to be mean to me, I remember Dream from school, and I remember leaving because i didn't want to bother my family anymore. I miss them. I don't remember their names, or what they looked like, but I really want to go find them again.

I go outside and get into my boat. I row as hard as I can and eventually make it to the land.

I walk through the sandy beach. Standing at 8'11, I could see for a long way out.

I notice a small village and walk towards it. Once I get there, I notice it's pretty much abandoned. Except there is a small little boy, his hair is brown and he looks like he could be no older than 10.

He approaches me slowly, his eyes widening.

"BOO!" he screams really cheerfully. I look down and see his arms wrapped around my legs.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

He looks very sad, and slowly releases my leg. He turns and runs back home, returning with a man who looks to be about 29, a girl the same age, a piglin hybrid with a crown, and a small blonde boy.

"Ranboo?" They all say.

"Who are you guys?" I ask them.

The girl walks up and sits with her legs crossed. She pats her lap and I sit beside her.

"You're my perfect little Enderman." She told me. "Kristin's perfect little Enderman." She whispered.

My eyes widen. The first time I ever remembered anything.

I stand up and quickly scoop Tommy into my arms.

"TOMMY!!" I scream. He looks very scared but slowly settles as I snuggle him into my arms. Technoblade and Wilbur hug me too, and Phil comes behind us hugging us as well.

I remembered something for the first time!

"I remembered something!" I exclaim excitedly. I set Tommy down slowly.

"A lot has happened since you left. DreamXD and his wife have decided to leave, putting their son Dream in charge of the overworld." Phil tells me.


The same Dream who told me I was useless.

And treated me like how daddy did.

I remember why I left now.

I'm not good enough.

I will never be good enough.


Phil told me we should go to the end portal. He said it would be nice for me to go claim custody of the kingdom I would be in control of. I go to the portal, and say goodbye, and step into it.


Home at last.

As I walk through the city many stares fall on me. I arrive at the castle, and for some reason the knights let me in without question. I walk inside and there is an adult Enderman in a red dress, a grayish-white entity, and an ash jar?

"Ranboo?" The girl says with disgust. It's my mom.

"Mommy?" I say. It sounded dumb coming out of the mouth of a 14 year old, but I hadn't seen her since I was little.

"Why are you here?" She asked me.

"I wanted to see the end. I haven't been here since I was little." I told her.

A man in green runs past me and stabs dual axes into the chests of the people in front of me.


"Ah Ranboo, nice to see you again. Did you see how I just killed your parents, the only two people who meant anything to you, and you don't react? That's shameful." He tells me.

Inky pools of blue blood run all over the ground.

"DREAM WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I scream to him.

"Because. I like seeing you in pain. And also, All Hail King Ranboo." He said, taking the golden crown off of my fathers limp body, and placing it on my head.

I couldn't be the king.

Could I?

This was no time for questions. Why was Dream in the end?

"I know what you're thinking. Why am I here? I saw you go through the portal, and after killing your grandmother, the dragon, I knew your parents would be here, and this would be the perfect time to make you suffer." He tells me.

I break down into tears.


When I wake up, I'm with 2 little girls, both with splotchy white and black skin.

"Hi big brother." The first little girl says.

The second one smiles at me.

"What?" I ask them.

"Aren't you Ranboo? The perfect Enderman boy mommy always talked about? She said you were our big brother. She talked badly about you, but Emma and I didn't think that you were that bad and we swore to find you! This is Emma by the way! I'm Deirdre." The little girl said. She looked like she was probably 11, and so did Emma. They were probably twins. They both stood at my shoulder, so they were probably 7'9-ish.

I couldn't rule the end, so I took both of the girls back to see my family.

When we got back to the overworld, Phil and Techno waited there for me. They said Wilbur and Tommy were thinking of sneaking off and making their own nation when they got older, but I thought that sounded silly.

Emma and Deirdre quickly befriended Tommy and Wilbur. Technoblade told me all about how much he missed Me. And I missed him a lot too.

Honestly, I was surprised that I remembered him. I had never remembered anything before.

Until one day,

I remembered the feeling of someone important leaving you.


"You aren't my real parents. I thank you for bringing me in and all, but I don't want to see your faces ever again!" Technoblade screamed.

"And you Ranboo! You were a cool friend, but nothing more! I never loved you like a brother!"

And I knew it was just him venting, but it hurt. It hurt really bad. I stood there with my jaw unhinged, I was in shock. I collapsed to the ground, and the last thing I heard was,

"I didn't mean it Ranboo, I'm so sorry." Before the door shut, and I never saw my brother again.

The Hybrid - Ranboo's BackstoryWhere stories live. Discover now