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hello! before we begin i'd like to stress that i do not own tokyo revengers nor kuroko no basuke 。゚(゚'ω'゚)゚。

- first, the reader will be based on kuroko from kuroko no basuke— specifically his lack of presence, you don't need to watch knb to understand just go over his character on google.

- i do NOT plan on putting the reader in a romantic relationship with anyone anytime soon, most of the story will be purely platonic— however, if i do find a character who seems like they have a close bond with the reader then it's a possibility.

- the reader will have a character of her own. she will still have your name and physical appearance, but her thoughts may not line up with your beliefs. so if you come across something like this, please do not comment about it as you were already warned from the start.

- now these will be the official warnings. do expect cursing, manga spoilers, violence, angst, suicide/self-harm, and mature themes (no lemons these r minors istg).

- this may not follow the original plot, and foreshadowing will be mentioned a lot during this story (so make theories if u will, i enjoy reading those).

now then, i hope you enjoy (:

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