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・2nd pov

What was connection to you?

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What was connection to you?

Actually, no, let's rephrase that— what was attachment to you? Because that word can vary person to person.

You can feel attached to a certain materialistic object that held a special meaning towards your heart, maybe feel attached to someone who you care deeply for, or even see it as a way to show great defined loyalty towards a higher one.

Some may perceive it as a sense of security, and others who let those see it that way use it to exploit it to their very own advantage.

So, let's ask the question again— what was attachment to you?

You weren't sure.

To be more clear, you weren't stable enough to give a clear answer to that question whatsoever. In one way or another, you liked the feeling of being attached to someone.

But it was confusing.

You liked being important enough to be pitied, but at the same time you hated being looked down upon. You liked shining through your strengths, but at the same time you wanted to be empathized for.

It was simply a complex puzzle to figure out on your own personality, and you despised how it worked.

God, you keep asking yourself a bunch of questions these days— is this the aftereffect of getting isekai'd?

Cause if it is then you didn't like it.

You groaned as you tiredly leaned onto the couch of the brothel, staring at the clock on the wall in annoyance, "What the fuck is Kenny taking so long, the meetup is in half an hour."

"He will come out any moment now," you heard the owner say through the receptionist desk, straightening his newspaper, "Ken is probably picking out which jacket to wear for today."

"But we aren't going to a fashion show?"

"Your fault you made him get into those jackets ever since you gifted him his first one last Christmas," the man laughed.

You only responded with a huff, unable to agree nor deny his statement as you knew what he said was true.

It's been at least a year ever since your last Christmas and brand new changes were made during that time, including the fresh additions of your unofficial friend group, them specifically being Kazutora and Haruki— also known as Pah-chin.

You weren't entirely sure how you were part of the group to begin with, you were just... there. It even went as far as to Shinichiro surprising you with a motorcycle he built for you, to which you treasure but wouldn't dare to admit it out loud in front of him.

"Ughhhh," you sulked, "The day Kenny comes out of his room is the day I die."

Just as you said that you heard Draken's door slamming open, his usual unenthusiastic expression plastered onto his face. He threw you a small bag of sweetened roasted chestnuts, "Stop whining, I can hear you from the walls. Let's go."

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