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・2nd pov

You squinted at the message on your phone that was sent by Baji, reminding you about the weekly lessons you were forced to take with him by his mother

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You squinted at the message on your phone that was sent by Baji, reminding you about the weekly lessons you were forced to take with him by his mother.

How the hell do I skip this class without hurting his feelings...

As you were brainstorming different— and mildly concerning— ways to avoid taking the lessons, you jolted at the sound of your phone ringing causing you to recklessly answer it without a chance for you to think.

"Uh— hey, hello... howdy? Who is this? I am not Y/N, I am her sixth cousin— wait, I don't even have a relative—"

You heard on the other line of Draken sighing loudly, "Y/N, it's me. Wanna get breakfast with me and Mikey? I'll pay."

"Count me in."

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Mikey yelled out in accusation, "I'll never forgive this."

"Hah?" Draken sounded out.

You munched on your pancakes while watching the whole ordeal go down, leaving some of them untouched as you wanted to place it to-go for Luna and Mana to eat. Don't worry though, you made sure to savor each and every bite of it.

Mikey pointed directly to the meal in front of him, letting out grumpy noises, "There's no flag!! I got the kid's meal because I was excited for the flag!"

"I... I apologize," the waiter bowed sheepishly, "I'll put one in right away."

"I don't want it now," Mikey huffed.

Being used to the amount of times Mikey has complained about his meals, you stuffed out a small toothpick which had a paper flag manually taped onto the ends and discretely gave it to Draken under the table, who took it without any hesitance.

He jabbed the ends of the flag in the middle of the sphere of rice, "Look, Mikey. It's the flag you've always wanted."

"WOOOWW!!" Mikey beamed, sparkles showering his eyes, "YOU'RE THE BEST, YOU TWO!!"

You took another bite of your pancake, deadpanning the boy in front of you— god, you didn't understand why you were still friends with him in the first place.

When time passed, you finally finished packing your food for the others back home as you heard Draken yell at Mikey in annoyance, "AAAGH, I'VE HAD IT! SHUT THE HELL UP, MIKEY!!"

Behind the tables was the mentioned boy, snoring like a baby like he wasn't in the middle of a goddamn restaurant. You were secretly thankful that you three were the only ones at the place (but you couldn't help but feel eyes boring into your whole existence, making you shiver).

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