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・2nd pov

warning, mentions of rape

Takemichi was overwhelmed

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Takemichi was overwhelmed.

First, he was able to timeleap and ended up meeting the leader and vice-leader of Toman, also apparently becoming Mikey's 'bitch' in the process— that was shocking enough. Then he accidentally shook hands with pre-timeskip Naoto and watched his high school friend commit suicide.

That was a bit traumatic, but anyways.

Now, he just ran away from a half-naked girl who tried to make a move on him at a karaoke bar, heading towards the meeting place he promised to go to with his girlfriend, Hina, by his side.

God, he didn't know whether he should cry or cry.

Or maybe cry, who knows— he had a lot of options in hand, but if plan A wasn't working out he could move onto plan B which was to also cry.

He watched as various noises of motorcycles filled in at the lot of the meeting space Mikey wanted him to go to, causing Hina to doubt that they were at the correct spot with the amount of dangerous-looking people lodging the area.

Takemichi, being the boy he is, tried comforting his own girlfriend (while ignoring the utter dread filling up his body) which barely worked even a little bit.

"OI!" A new voice boomed, causing Takemichi to jerk dramatically from his position.

Ha, he was definitely not leaving this place unharmed.

"THIS AIN'T A FUCKING EXHIBITION, YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" A random gang member barked, marching over to where Takemichi and his girlfriend stood, "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!"



Takemichi sweat dropped as he tried to explain himself to the man, "But I was told to come here..."


Huh? Toman's meeting place?

Before any more trouble could be made with the crew, a new person with droopy lilac eyes came within view— completely putting an end to the whole racket with his presence itself.

"Could it be that you're Takemichi?" He asked as the said boy confirm in hesitance. Mitsuya stepped away and scold the gang members who were originally the ones who tried to pick a fight with the dyed blondie.

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