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Praying to God that you'll be mine

"Kanae-chan! Who're you going with? Hajime-kun?" My eyes widened and my brows twitch before I awkwardly blinked my eyes at what she asked.

"N-No, I just plan on staying at home," I responded since Mama is busy and Seishu is in reform school.

Going with Hajime meant that I will only dig my own grave.

"Hmm? That's sad." She pouted her lips, I flashes an awkward smile while I hang the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

"See you again, bye-bye," I waved my hand for a goodbye before I turned my back and faced the door to leave our room.

They're talking about the festival tomorrow night, I don't have any plans for it. And I wanted to go there when Seishou's got out of the reform school, maybe next year. We always attend there together, that's why thinking about that I don't have anyone to be with.

Making me feel weird, guess I'm not used.

I just planned on studying all day and nothing more. I sighed releasing these negative vibes inside me but stopped when I accidentally saw someone on the right side of my vision.

"Hajime..." I whispered he's in their classroom, he looks neat wearing our school uniform.

It's not that this is the first time I've seen him wearing it, but I usually don't glance or turn my eyes at their room when I'm passing by.

My brows furrowed while I can see that he's talking to someone troublesome...Shiba Taiju. Why is he talking to someone like him? My eyes narrowed as I inhaled, Seishou asked me to look for Hajime while he's inside of reform school.

Because he is his friend! And I am, I'm a good person.

"Hajime," I called, made them turn their head on me.

I gulped when Shiba's eyes shifted in my direction. I was about to look away but before I could, our eyes already met sending a shiver down my spine.

My heart skipped a beat as I tightly gripped my bag. Why did I even bother to call him? And now the two troublesome in my perspective, their attention is on me now.

"Kanae?" Hajime uttered, brows furrowed evident that he's confused. And I'm confused too!

It's not that Shiba's going to beat the hell out of him, so why do I care? It's okay if when Shiba has already beaten him!

"Let's go, I told you we're going to the library, didn't I?" I exclaimed, raising my tone as if I'm mad but the truth is I just act like that because I'm already shivering from Shiba's deathly stare.

Don't know, am I really older than that guy? He looks old like he can be my father! As I grabbed Hajime's wrist, I glanced at Shiba but it only added the cold inside of me.

I looked away as soon as possible before I'll be going to get killed by how he stared at me. As if I interrupt something but I really did interrupt their business.

"You dragged me here to..."

"Shut up and study," I said while puffing out the air I keep in my lungs, breathing heavily while my hand is on my chest.

I thought I'm gonna have a heart attack, that guy-that guy can kill me by his presence. He's worse than Hajime.

He didn't say anything that's why I lean my head over my crossed shoulder and closed my eyes. Relaxing and calming myself from what situation I'm in earlier.

Why did he even hang around with that kind of guy? Shiba Taiju is huge, huge as hell, and why his hair is like that. It's weird but I think it suits him.

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