Markings pt.2

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I kinda changed this from a story to more like partially connected one shots.
"What the hell just happened?"

That was the eternal question in Rachel's head. She really doesn't know what she was expecting when she went down to the file room, but it certainly wasn't that. She kind of thought it was going to be awkward considering the fact that he was inside her not 14 hours ago, she guesses she's glad that it wasn't awkward. Makes the process easier on her.


2 weeks later....

"Are we dating now?"

Mike whispered huskily to Rachel, they were in his bed, his thin fingers tracing the out line of a bruise on her chest.

"I think we would have to go out on a date first." She joked, but he wasn't smiling

"Then let's go. Right now. Anywhere you like." He responded eagerly.

Her hand went to his left shoulder, and she pushed him gently back into the mattress and leaned on her elbow over him. "I told you Mike, I don't date anyone from the office." She kissed him to distract him from his original question.


"Hey Rach, what's that on your neck?" Donna asked as she came into Rachel's office for their weekly gossiping.

"What do you mean?" Rachel knew exactly what she was talking about. The mark Mike left at lunch while they were in her apartment. A particularly fond memory of hers. Mike said that it would fade by the time they got back to work, and there was no need to cover it up. Also saying that the collar of her blouse would hide it, but why did she take the advice of a man that takes every opportunity he gets to tease her.

"I mean the dark spot on your neck, right there." Donna replied, pointing at the spot where the bruise was left. Then realization washed over her face, "Rachel, do you have a lover that I don't know about?"

Rachel blushed furiously, and looked down trying to hide it. In hindsight, that made her look more guilty. "Come on, this is a safe space. You gotta tell me who it is Rach." Donna said, smiling to herself.

Rachel looked back up to see Mike walking past her office, then reversing. "Oh Donna, I've been looking everywhere for you." He said walking into her office, and winking at Rachel. Making her almost giggle.

"What do you want Michael? Can't you see I'm in the middle of a chat with Rachel?" Donna snapped.

"Woah, woah I just wanted to tell you the Louis was looking for you." Mike said, running a hand to his hair. Rachel thought he looked cute.

"This better be worth it. Rach we are not finished talking about this." Donna said walking out the door. Glaring at Mike. He shuddered.

"Talking about what?" Mike asked, taking the seat that Donna was in.

"I shouldn't have listened to you when you said it would 'fade'."

Mike smirked and leaned forward, "Look, I didn't know that I bit you that hard. I was lost in the moment, I mean you were-"

"Stop right there, we are in an office." Rachel chuckled. "Why did you come here?" She asked suddenly inquisitive.

"I saw that you needed saving from Donna."

"One, I don't need saving, and two, you don't do the whole friends with benefits thing well. You're supposed to act like we don't have sex." Rachel cocked her head and raised an eyebrow.

"I know, I just like teasing you." He said getting up from his seat. He walked behind Rachel's chair, and turned it towards the windows, a great view of the city. "You should really get that covered up." His fingers trailed down the side of her neck, pressing lightly on the bruise making her moan. Before she even has time to savor the moment he's gone.


"Mike- please don't stop." She moaned, his hands were firmly holding her waist and he thrusted steadily.

Mike grunted as he picked up the pace. Like things do, Rachel's phone rang right as things were about to get more heated. Her head lulled to the bedside table, Mike didn't slow down or stop his ministrations. "Look at me Rachel." Mike almost growled.

She faced him, his eyes were full of lust, and under different circumstances, she might have said love was somewhere under the layer of desire. She pushed that thought to the side when her phone rang a second time.

"Ok... I really have to take this." Rachel panted. Mike slows his thrust to a grind, she moaned with want as she picked up the phone. Caller ID Donna.

"Rachel, where are you?" Donna asked.

Rachel cleared her throat, "I'm- I'm at my apartment. Why?" Rachel struggled to get out the sentence. She couldn't form a coherent thought while Mike was looking at her the way he was.

"Well, I'm coming over, since we haven't finished our last conversation." Donna said, she was just leaving her apartment with a bottle of wine.

"No, no." Mike was getting impatient and started to speed up and Rachel bit back a moan, closing her eyes, "Don't come over, my parents are here." Rachel covered.

"Oh, it'll be fine." Donna pushed.

"No, it's a family dinner, I promise that tomorrow-" Mike let out a low moan.

"Rach, what was that?"

"That was- um... my toilet. Have to get that checked out. Any way talk to you later bye." Rachel quickly hung up the phone.

Mike lowered his head and kissed Rachel on the lips, it was a sweet kiss, in contrast to the hard thrusting of his hips. "You are a terrible liar."

"Shut up." She laughed turning over so that she was now on top.

"I know who your mystery man is." Donna said, catching up to Rachel in the office hallway.

"Hmm... and who is it?" Rachel said.

"Two words, Mike Ross."

Rachel's heart beat quickened, but she didn't let Donna see. She probably knew.

"Is that so?" She said turning into the library.

"Yup. My proof you ask. You all of a sudden just stop hating Mike after he literally broke up with you. He walks into your office and you smile. And that look on your face when I said who I knew it was." With that Donna turned back the way she came, then she looked back over her shoulder, "Also, you always have family dinner at your parents house."


Rach 6 PM
File room. Now!

Mike got the text message from Rachel and smiled to himself. Maybe finally she would want to go on a date with him, if he pressed it.

"Hey, what's up?" He said walking toward a pacing Rachel.

"Donna knows." She said panicking.

"Donna knows what?" He answered, holding her shoulders so that she can stand still.

She took a deep breathe, "She knows that we are..." She didn't know how to define them so left the statement open ended.

"That we are what? More than just friends? So what Rachel, who is she going to tell?" Mike said.

Their eyes met, and a sudden realization was met between them, "Harvey." They said in unison.


Hope you enjoyed! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was just enjoying some of the summer and trying new things. And I know, not my best writing but better something than nothing.
Stay safe out there.

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