CHAPTER 21:Insecure

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"Senpai, are you okay? You're spacing out a lot lately" Sachi asked me as she saw me at the cafeteria.

"I'm just tired from work and school" I said and smiles at her. I feel restless.

"Yahoo senpai" Shun-nichi said.

"Are you okay? Wanna go to the clinic?" Mido-cchi asked.

"No need. I'm fine" I said and smile at him.

"Let's eat, the food's gonna get cold" I said and they all chuckles.

As we all eating, I saw Kenma and the rest of the third year together with their manager. They didn't notice me because all attention are on their manager.

They all laughing even Kenma who is rare to laugh are laughing too.

"Tora-senpai" Sachi called Tora that makes them look our way. For some reasons Sachi are easily been close to the volleyball club right away.

"Oh Sachi-chan" Tora said and smiles.

Our eyes meet, for some reasons it feels kinda awkward. I smiles at him. They went to our table and eats with us.

As we eat I notice that there's some food on Kenma's cheek.

"Senpai, you have food on your face" Hikari said and removed it.

"See" She said and smiles at Kenma.

"T-thank you" Kenma said. Tora and Fukunaga looks at Kenma's direction. Kenma who looks at my direction. I look at him as if I'm wondering why he's looking at me.

"What?" I asked them nicely.

"N-nothing" Tora said.

"Excuse me. I'll get going. See you later" I said and stood up.

"Y/n" Kenma called me so I stopped and look at him.

"What is it?" I asked me and smiled at him.

"Nothing. See you later" Kenma said. I just nodded and went to my classroom. It feels like my heart just shattered into pieces.

In this few days, we haven't properly spoke. So I feel kinda awkward just by sitting besides him.

The class ended and it's time to do club activities but I still in my room. I don't have the energy to walk at the gym knowing that there's Hikari. I know she doesn't do anything but it makes me kinda jealous how touchy she is. I know I'm not bright as her and jolly as her. Thinking about it makes me insecure. There's so many things I can't do for Kenma. And it upsets me more.

The sun sets as the colors of it reflected at the room. There's no one in the room excepts me. I lay my head on the table as I was listening to some music I'm working. I'm still working at the lyrics.

I tap my fingers along to the sound of it.

"I feel insecure for some reasons
I'm flawed like a changing season
I'll never be like her
'Cause I am, who I am

Fire begins to out burn
Rain starts to pour

"Senpai" I heard a voice coming outside the room. It's Mido-cchi.

"I need your help" Mido-cchi said.

"For what?" I asked him immediately as I took off my earphones.

"Shun-nichi and Sachi-chan are fighting. I can't stop them" Mido-cchi said.

"Okay. I'm coming" I said and grabbed my things to head to the gym.

"Are you okay senpai?" Mido-cchi asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks for worrying" I said to him and smile. As we went inside of the gym I bowed to the coach and to their advisers.

I walk towards the stage and the two are fighting.

"SENPAI!!" They both called me in sync.

"What's the problem?" I asked them.

"I want to practice this song but this one keeps insisting hers" Shun-nichi said.

"But you want that song 'cause it has a solo guitar part" Sachi-chan said.

"Okay. Calm down the two of you" I said but they're not listening.

"CALM DOWN!" I shouts at them and they stopped from speaking.

"Listen. I want you to do something. The three of you" I said and they all look at me.

"Why also me?" Mido-cchi asked.

"It's not a punishment. Okay?"I said.

"Get a piece of paper. List all your songs that you want to play and roll it up. And I'm gonna go and get a jar. And we randomly pick what to practice. Okay?" I said to them. They all agreed. This gave me headaches.

As I was busy calming them down. I didn't even notice they're having a practice game. I look at Kenma who's now setting for Fukunaga. He's really cool as ever. I look at Hikari who is now taking down some notes for the team.


"Don't do that again" I said to Hikari when y/n went out of the cafeteria.

"I'll get going then" I said and stood up to go to my classroom. I saw her walking back to her classroom. I want to talk to her but she went inside.

As I wait for our practice I notice she's not here. Her members are at the stage but she's not here. The two are fighting and we're now hearing what it's about. The one who is tall with a glasses stops them but it's not enough. He went out of the gym and a few minutes later he's with y/n.

"CALM DOWN!" Y/n shouts that can be heard throughout the gym. The two stops fighting. I never heard her shouts. Lately we're not properly spoke to each other. I missed her. As we proceed to our practice I sense that someone is looking at me. I look around and saw her looking at my direction.

They proceed to practice too. And a few hours have passed and the surrounding gets dark. The light music club ready to go home and starts leaving without even saying anything to me.

"Y/n" I called her that makes her look at my direction.

"Let's go home together" I said and she smiles back at me. She nodded. I get my things at the locker room. And immediately went out of the gym. I look around and saw her infront of the vending machine.

"Y/n" I called her. And she immediately hug me, I hug her back and stayed like that for a few minutes.

"I missed you" She said as she keeps on hugging me.

"I missed you too. What's the problem?" I asked her.

"Nothing" she said as she shakes her head.

"Tell me if you have anything to say. Okay?" I said to her. She just nodded.

"How are you this passed few days?" I asked her as I walk her home.

"I'm fine. How about you?" She asked me.

"I'm good except that I'm missing your presence this passed few days" I said and she stopped walking. I held her hand.

"Is there anything that keeps bothering you?" I asked her. She shook her head. But I know there's something that's bothering her. Maybe she's not ready to tell me.

We reached her home and I saw her walking inside her house. I also went home. I got a message from her.

"Thank you for walking me home. I love you." She said and i smile at her message.

I immediately reply to her.

"I love you too. Keep that in mind"

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