Chapter 3

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"Good morning sun- Leti?" Julian was shocked when he wanted to wake up his girlfriend and walked in their room finding it empty

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"Good morning sun- Leti?" Julian was shocked when he wanted to wake up his girlfriend and walked in their room finding it empty.

"Leti?!" He yelled trough the house hoping to find her.

"Julian? What's wrong?" Jannis asked when he heard his brother yell for Leti.

"Do you know where Leti is? I wanted to wake her up and she isn't in her room."

"Uh, no. Why would I? Maybe the bathroom?"
Jannis proposed.

"I'm coming from the bathroom. What's up?"
Jascha said as he joined his brothers.

"Do you know where Leti is?"
Julian asked again.

"Yeah, she went on a walk. Wanted to clear her head." He said chilled.

"From what? And when?" Julian asked again, feeling confused by the situation.

"Don't know, man. And she left around an hour ago."

They heard the lock of the door, Julian jogged down the stairs and pulled her in a big hug.

"I thought something happened to you- hey what's wrong?" He asked, when he didn't feel her return the hug but instead leave it and go to the kitchen, getting a glass of water.

"Nothing, just not in the mood." She mumbled.

"Not in the mood for what? Doesn't matter, can you at least tell me where you were?" Julian asked desperate to know what was wrong with her.

Jascha and Jannis did 'no' movements to keep her from doing what she was about to do.

"If you tell me where you were, yesterday evening."
She sassed back.

"What? That has nothing to do with you right now. Where were you?"

"Does it really matter to you? Or do you just say that because you want to hide something?"
She asked feeling rather angry then sad.

"Leti, what-"

"Are you cheating on me?"

Jascha and Jannis felt like this was the time where they left, so they took their key and went on a walk.

"What? No! Why would you think that?"
Julian whined.

"Because, you left without any reason, told us you would be back in an hour and came back two hours to late. Then you don't come home with your car but some bitch drove you and you kissed her on her cheeks. You never kissed me on the cheeks."

She felt like she was minutes away from flipping out. He was pushing her buttons and he didn't even notice.

"That was not what it seemed like. I'm not cheating on you."

"Then what was it?"
"Hm?" She pressured when he didn't give her an answer.

"I- Look. I can't tell you, but I'm not cheating on you." Julian tried to get her away from the idea of cheating, and she noticed.

"But you really make it seem like it, Julian. You know, I thought this would be a relaxed vacation, without any problems or anything going wrong. But you just fucked it up, stronzo (asshole)!"
And with that she went upstairs and started packing her suitcase, wanting to leave as fast as possible.

"Leti, just listen to me, please. I'm not cheating on you."

"Then where were you? Hm?"
She asked, suddenly feeling the tears start to pool in her eyes.

"I- I can't tell you."

She took her finished suitcase and walked out.
"Tell Jannis and Jascha that it was nice to get to know them and that their lovely people."

✌︎︎.     ☻%

laetitiacsorba Thanks for the amazing time @jannisbrandt @jaschabrandt ♡︎

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laetitiacsorba Thanks for the amazing time @jannisbrandt @jaschabrandt ♡︎

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fan1 Is she leaving already?
fan2 Weren't they gonna stay for two weeks?
fan3 Is something wrong with Julian?
fan4 She didn't tag him :(
hater1 I hope that Julian broke up with her
ameliaragaano What's wrong baby? :(
-> laetitiacsorba I'll talk to you back home, on the plane rn
fan5 Even her best friend knows somethings wrong so something is wrong

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