Chapter 7

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It was the first game of Borussia Dortmund, against FC Gießen or something

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It was the first game of Borussia Dortmund, against FC Gießen or something.
Leti wasn't sure anymore.

She was on her way to the stadium, Julian had invited her and even given her his trikot.

After she went through the safety control, she went to the VIP seats, finding other women, men and kids sitting their.

"Oh my god, you must be Leti, Julian's girlfriend!" A blonde woman with a small kid in sitting next to her.

"Uh, yeah. What gave it away?"
Leti asked, being pulled in a hug by the blonde woman.

"Your jersey and Marco told me to have a look out for you. I'm Scarlett, Marco's wife." She introduced herself.

"Ah, yeah. It's my first time so I don't really know what to do."

"I can tell, come on. Sit with us. This is Cathy, she's Mats Hummels wife and their son Ludwig." She introduced the brunette to Leti.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She hugged her.

"Nice to meet you, too."

They talked during the warm up, and after the game started they just talked minimal.

"It was so nice to meet you. I hope to see you again some time."

"Yeah, we can exchange numbers and we'll meet for lunch some time." Scarlett proposed.

"I'll put you into our WAG group." Cathy said.

"Leti." Julian yelled, as he, Marco and Mats joined the girls, kissing their girlfriend.
"How was it?"

"Amazing. You were so great."

✌︎︎. ☻%

"Scarlett and Cathy were so nice, they introduced me to everyone and explained me some things." Leti said, before her phone pinged.

✌︎︎. ☻%

                         BVB WAGS 💖                       You were added

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You were added.

Scarlett Reus
Guys, this is Leti, she's Julians
girlfriend :)

Cathy Hummels
Hi Leti ;)

Michelle Delaney
Hi I'm Michelle
I'm Thomas' wife

Lia Lotman
Hi, I'm Lia
My bf is Christian Pulisic

Cathy Hummels
The other wags are not so nice so it's
just us in this group

Ok hi everyone :)

Lia Lotman
Finally Jule has found
a gf
We've been wanting him to
date for so long

Scarlett Reus
Yeah and you are so nice
So we are all happy it's you
and not Lena


Michelle Delaney
Lena was some kind of fling
from Julian, she still thinks their
dating 🙄

Cathy Hummels
She was always so rude

Scarlett Reus
But let's forget her now that you're
here she will hopefully realize he doesn't
love her


"Who was it?" Julian asked out of curiosity, seeing his girlfriend smile bright.

"The WAGS. They added me to their group."
Leti smiled.

"I'm glad you get along with them."
Julian smiled back.

✌︎︎.     ☻%

It was already the next game. Against the spanish club Athletic Bilbao.

Leti was already sitting in the car on her way to the Signal Iduna Park, where the game was held like the last time.

Leti was lucky as she couldn't fly or drive somewhere else, having to work the next day.

She got to the stadium in time, getting into the VIP seats where Cathy, Scarlett and two others were talking. Scarlett was the first one to spot Leti and waved her over.
"Leti, these are Michelle and Lia. It's so nice to see you again."

After her the other three hugged Leti and they sat down again.

Just shortly before the game started, someone came running in and everyone inside their turned their heads.

While Leti looked clueless to who it was, the other WAGS seemed familiar with the woman.

"Oh no, not again." Scarlett mumbled, before the mysterious black haired made her way over to them, smiling as fake as she could.

"Scarlett, it's so nice to see you." She said in an annoyingly high voice.

"Yeah, it's so nice." Scarlett mumbled sarcastically, hugging her back.
"Uh, Leti this is-" She was cut off.

"Oh, a new face, hello, hi. I'm Lena, Julian's girlfriend."

✌︎︎.     ☻%

Uhhhh, drama.
Honestly, I love Scarlett. I don't know why so many hate her :(

Lia Lotman and Michelle Delaney are just imagined. I don't know all of the girlfriends but I just wanted Leti to have some friends.

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