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"Is this the last box?" Leti asked, when Julian came upstairs with a moving box.
"Yeah, and I think someone's waiting for you downstairs." He winked.
She went down and opened her new home door, coming face to face with the bright face of Amelia.
Leti screamed. Amelia screamed. Kai held his ears, feeling like they just died.
The girls fell into each others arms, the last time they were together had been to long.
"I brought Panna Cotta. Your favorite." Amelia said, after they let go of each other and Leti hugged Kai.
"Oh, you're the best."
"I know, I know." Amelia teased, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
"How've you been? How's living together?" Leti asked, as they sat down on the chairs that were just built by Julian.
"Great, except this guy here-" Amelia pointed to Kai, "snores so badly in his sleep."
"Uh, I do not." Kai tried to defend.
"He does." Julian laughed when he joined them.
"Fuck off, bro."
✌︎︎. ☻%
Kai and Amelia left in the evening again, Kai having to start training the next day and Amelia having to start working again.
"I want you to meet the team. Like Borussia Dortmund." Julian mumbled, when they were laying in their new bedroom, in their new bed.
"Really? Please, they seem so wonderful when you talk about them."
"You'll meet them, tomorrow. Some of them still have international duty but most of them are here."
"Tomorrow? Ok, so I'll go to training with you?" Leti asked.
"Yeah, but tomorrow's not normal training it's just performance testing so they see what our strengths are. And you'll be the first WAG to get to know the new coach."
"WAG?" Leti questioned.
"Yeah, wives and girlfriends." Julian said, proudly.
"Smooth, Brandt, smooth."
✌︎︎. ☻%
"So this is your workplace." Leti said as they walked into training ground.
"Well, you could call it that but the Signal Iduna Park is more of my work place." He explained.
"The stadium, right?"
"Yeah, you're learning-"
"Jule! Hey, lang nicht mehr gesehen. (long time, no see)." Marco Reus, the captain of Borussia Dortmund yelled, coming from behind.
"Marco, hi. Wie gehts (how are you)? This is Laetitia, my girlfriend, she's italian."
"Oh, a girlfriend? Didn't think a girl would fall that low. Hi, I'm Marco." He teased, before introducing himself.
"You can call me Leti, I hate being called Laetitia." She shot a glare at Julian.
Over the day, Leti got to know a lot more people of the team.
"The people are all so nice." She dreamed, as they were driving home.
"Yeah, I'm glad I joined BVB, although I miss the Leverkusen boys."
"I bet you do." She said.
✌︎︎. ☻%
So she finally got to know the Dortmund boys :) And Kai's ears died.