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Hey, piggos! It's been a while 🐷

Yesterday, July 4th, marked one year of Yoonsplit!

I'm still shocked by how fast time has passed and I'm certainly grateful for all the love you all have given this series during that time :')

Here is a special chapter as a small thank you for all the support I've received (be it by votes, comments, and even fanarts)

This chapter will be set in an alternate universe where Yoongi does not have D.I.D. and him, Yoonie, Sugar, Agust, and Exister are all just siblings (with their own bodies, of course). I thought it would be a fun little idea to write

I also shorted Exister's name to Xis in this since their name in Yoonsplat wasn't very practical lol

Yoonie - 9
Sugar - 18
Xis (Exister) - 20
Agust - 23
Yoongi - 25

Enjoy! 🐷


"Hobihobi! Hobihobi!" Yoonie chanted with a beaming smile after hearing the familiar ring of the doorbell. He ran out of his room and down the stairs, hopping two steps at a time in a haste to open the front door.

His older brother released a loud 'tsk' from somewhere in the kitchen followed by a "No running down the stairs, you brat."

"Sugsug does it all the time!" The little boy defended, stopping in front of the door to fix his white skirt, patting down the frills. He checked his breath, made sure his hair was still parted the right way, and displayed his pearly whites.

Their mom always told him his smile had the ability to win anyone's heart.

"Just open the door already, Nini." Agust grunted, throwing himself on the couch. It was way too early to be awake on a Saturday and the guy swore to let his bad mood be known. Serves everyone right for dragging him into their plans when he could've been snoozing.

Yoonie ignored his older brother's bored tone before doing as he was told. "Hobihob— oh, it's you." He dropped his smile almost immediately after seeing the sight of Jimin towering over him.  Disappointment was written all over the kid's expression while the older man gawked, a bit offended by the little boy's reaction.

"Tone your little crush down, Yoonie." Agust grumbled with an arm over his eyes, overgrown hair splayed around his head in messy, dark waves. His overprotective, older brother side was showing a little but he couldn't care less. "Just 'cause he's my best friend, doesn't mean I automatically approve."

"He's my boyfriend."

"He's Yoongi's boyfriend." The older one corrected.

"We've gone on multiple dates!"

"Multiple playdates." The twenty-three year old deadpanned. "Now will you please let my boyfriends inside the house."

Catching the plural in boyfriends, Yoonie gasped, pushing Jimin off of the front porch— earning a yelp from the poor guy. The little boy stretched his arms out as he saw his brother's more tolerable boyfriend. "Hunhun!"

"Hi, Yoonie baby." Sehun greeted, picking up the little munchkin who stuck his tongue out at Jimin and Jimin— being the mature adult that he was— stomped into the house like a kid throwing a tantrum.

"Agust! Your little brother's being a little shit again!" Jimin whined (in the manliest way possible, of course) before throwing himself on top of the said male. Agust only chuckled, arm still covering his eyes while he securely wrapped the other around his boyfriend's waist.

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