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mitsuya had hit another home run, watching the ball flew very far from the field while takemichi tries to run after it. you gleefully claps your hands.

"that's not fair!" mikey pouted, losing another baseball round.

"let's take a break, shall we?" draken said, dragging the raging mikey away from your boyfriend, and takemichi came rushing to draken's side, huffing for air.

you watch the boys do their thing, talking loudly as if they're not beside each other and almost using fists everytime they couldn't understand each other. nevertheless, this was the scenery— the scenario you were already used to.

the boys— mitsuya, takemichi, draken, mikey, chifuyu,  souya and nahoya were playing baseball on the park as per usual. they do this once in a while to celebrate "being alive" as how mikey phrase it. and of course you tag along.

"good game, takashi!" once he sat beside you, you greeted him with a smile, handing him his cotton towel and his cold bottle of mineral water.

he smiled, his warm, warm smile that makes you melt each time. despite having such droopy lavender eyes, his lips that could curve the hottest and wicked grin makes you love him even more.

"thanks. also, thank you for coming here. i thought you're getting ready for your new job." he sighed silently, easing his tense muscles, still excited from his last game.

mitsuya's sweat runs down from his temple to his chin, dropping to his neck, to his slightly exposed trained chest— ah, your mind is drifting from the topic.

"don't worry about it. i'm prepared, mentally and physically." and not to mention, it puts you at ease to see him having fun.

it's sunday. tomorrow would be monday, the day you'll start working as a substitute teacher in an art class— pottery. mitsuya was as excited as you were. he was so considerate with everything, cheering you up for getting your very first job, after you quit your previous one.

he even sewed you new clothes just for it and decided by himself that he'll take you there on his own, and for that event, he cleared his schedule.

"did you like the dress?" caressing your hair, he asked.

"hmm, of course! you made it for me, who wouldn't like it?"

"so... if i wasn't the one who sewed it, you wouldn't like it?" his tone was a little low, sad and even his eye brows furrowed.

"eh— no! they're pretty! what are you even saying?"

"pft—" shocked, you are when mitsuya started laughing. his eyes closing as his smile reaches his ears. "i'm sorry, y/n, i'm just kidding."

mikey was already asleep on the backseat of draken's newly bought car, you actually wanted to try riding on it if mitsuya didn't bring his own motorcycle.

"we'll go home now too, mitsuya, y/n!" takemichi waved his hands, on his sides were smiley (nahoya) and angry (souya), and to be honest, you were still kind of scared with the angry twin. as if he's always about to punch— but who wouldn't agree that he is really scary, added the fact that he was once from a famous gang.

"bye, takemichi, nahoya and souya too! take care on the way." mitsuya greeted back as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.

it was already dim when they finished playing, draken was out of his wits trying to control everyone— not that he's not messy because he's also out of control half of the time. if not for chifuyu and mitsuya, you guys would already be inside of the police station for questioning.

"stay safe on your way home, drive carefully now, takashi." that was the final words of draken before he drove away, leaving you alone with mitsuya.

cold wind brush through your cheeks, and your little shiver didn't escape his attentive eyes. swiftly, he removed his woven blazer and placed them on top of your shoulder before planting small kiss on your forehead.

"let's go, i'll take you home now."


despite the cold, once you held mitsuya's warm blazing hand, you forgot all about the breeze nor the darkness slowly shrouding the place. all you can think about is the glowing red thread on your pinky that connects to mitsuya's.

this made you remember again, how fortunate you are for being mitsuya's girlfriend and his soul mate.

carefully, he helped you wear his extra helmet and you were staring at him the whole time, admiring his beauty and all that. you wished that you're the only one he'll love in this life time, that you're the only one he's looking at full of love and adoration— because for you, strings and threads are not enough of assurance for him to stay with you.

when he's so perfect, he can break you into pieces.

once done with adjusting the helmet in your head, mitsuya tapped your shoulder and smiled, "done! let's go. i can't be that late, luna and mana are waiting."

"oh yeah! say hi to them for me."

his features soften for a bit, sliding his hand from your shoulder to your hand, rubbing your pinky finger where the red string are tied. "can't wait until you refer to them as your own little sisters."

hearing such pure heartedness from his lips, your heart quickly melted, never once you realize you were so in love with the man in front of you.

"silly, was i less excited than you are?"

"i bet you'll say no to my proposal though—"

"what makes you say that?" you laughed and smack him jokingly, "i would say 'yes' before you ask me."

"nah, that would ruin the whole plan of me lighting up the candles in heart shapes, rose petals in the floor, chifuyu playing guitar, draken and the others making a scene behind us while i kneel on the floor and take out the ring—"

"hold on a second there," your cheeks to your ears and your nape are red as hell, flustered by his very detailed... well, plan. "why is this so detailed? i feel like you're narrating a scene that already happened."

for a moment you saw how the corner of his lips curved up, before he leaned in to kiss you on your cheeks again.

"but yeah, you look cute."

"that's very far from our topic, takashi."

"i can't say more, it won't be a surprise if i say anything more." he chuckled, sitting on his motor and starting the engine. while you were there, lips gapping as you stare at him full of awe.

"well you already spilled it!"

his soft gentle laugh was left in the air as his motorcycle went roaring in the road, your arms tightly embracing his torso, and him showing his teeth with his open-mouth smile.

you wonder how long would your happy moment last. well, as long as the string connects the two of you, he'll keep running back to your side— or that's what you though he'd do.

soulmates or not, love decides your happy ending.

𝐇𝐈, 𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐘𝐀 ➤ mitsuya takashi.Where stories live. Discover now