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it was three in the morning, yet you're wide awake, sipping on a cup of coffee while your tears are pouring down. you almost couldn't feel the cold in your feet.

remembering how everything ended in just a blink of an eye, your lips trembled and you sobbed, tearing the silence of the night. even the moon started mourning with you.

at morning, the moment you woke up, staring at the ceiling your tears greeted you a bad morning. mitsuya's crying face flashed at the back of your mind, guilt tripping and making you sadder than you already are.

you jumped up on your feet, almost stumbling. you made your way to the kitchen to cook breakfast, but even the knife reminded you off mitsuya— the day when he cooked a meal in your house, using the exact utensil.

even the cup, the chairs... suddenly, everything you see reminds you of him. it slaps you with the reality how much mitsuya contributed and makes up your life.

"are you coming to school?" hina's worried voice rang on your ear as you press your phone closer.

you're three hours late to work, and you're still on your pajama, sitting at the space between your kitchen sink and the refrigerator, eyes red as they could.

"i'm sorry, i can't today."

hearing how your voice was hoarse and almost lifeless, hina gasped, immediately taking a hint of what was going on. you heard her sigh before ending the call without asking anything which did you a favor.

like a child, you crouch down even more, hugging both your knees close to your chest. your heart beating in an unfamiliar phase, scared and lonely. you need mitsuya's touch and warmth.

for a second you didn't know who to blame, was it you for making a big mistake, for hiding it from him for such a long time and treating him as dumb expecting he'll never find out; or was it him, for not letting you explain, and giving up so easily like he wasn't in love; or was it draken for making that mistake with you?

your mind was a swamp of mess, different thoughts swimming at the same time, you didn't know what to do.

everything was just fine the day before, everything went down the drain the moment after. it makes your blood cold, it makes your head spin.

spending all your remaining strength in thinking, you fell asleep with a heavy burden in your heart.

you woke up when you felt a slight shaking on your shoulder, you open your eyes and saw hinata standing in front of you. eyes downcast and lips curved into a small smile.

"i came in... you forgot to lock the door." she squatted down to level you. "did you eat already? i can cook for you."

"i'm sorry, hina. i couldn't come to work..." you reached for her hand and squeezed them, trying to gain strength even though you know you can't.

"it's fine, fix yourself, y/n. then you can talk to me."

at a time like this, you know you're lucky for having a friend like hinata, what more having a future wife like her. you smiled before you walked to the bathroom, undressing and cleaning yourself.

after you're done, hinata served a bowl of soup for you. she sat down together with you, not saying anything and waiting for you to speak your mind. unless you open up, she won't pry in your business.

"mitsuya broke up with me." you started, playing with the spoon in the bowl.

hina slapped a hand on her mouth, stopping her gasp. she was a witness on how the two of you got together and how your relationship with him worked so well, and now she also couldn't believe what happened.

"... he did?"

"he did."

in her mind, it was totally unexpected. she couldn't see any timeline that mitsuya would be the one to break it off, for he was so smitten, so utterly drowning in your love. and yet he did.

"did he tell you the reason?" carefully, the question was asked.

"he did, and it was my fault," and you were unsure wether it really was you. "you know, me and draken did a mistake together and mitsuya found out about it."

a mistake? hina wanted to ask what was it, but the meaning was already implied about how it was the reason led to their break-up. now, she couldn't say a word, she's being very careful, she didn't want to hit any sore spot.

"how are you feeling?"

"terrible. i feel dead, hina."

hina stood on her seat and cupped your cheeks, "yet you're alive. there's still a chance, y/n."

right there and then you wanted to shout at her face that there's none, but she wasn't at fault, she's just being a good friend.

you tapped her shoulder and she lets go. "i guess."

your hand fell on the table, trembling. as your eyes landed on your fingers, your heart immediately sank...

the red string that was once glowing was slowly turning into a dull pitch black color, before it snapped into two, the other end dissolving into the air.

you gasped. now, there was no mitsuya and no soul mate either.

𝐇𝐈, 𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐘𝐀 ➤ mitsuya takashi.Where stories live. Discover now