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"what the hell is that?!" sawamura yelled, the three were running as fast as they could

behind them was a giant bear-like monster, about 4x larger than an average bear and it had spiky features from it's jaw to it's claws

"it's a serrated forest bear, one this size is extremely rare" haruichi said "this was probably the reason why those boar were running earlier, they're usually calm though i wonder what happened"

they continued to dodge it's attacks, blow after blow they could only dodge, nobody could blame them, each blow destroyed anything it touched

"we've been running from it for so long now!! how long do we have?!" sawamura asked

furuya panted "the sun's beginning to set it should be any moment now" he said

that was weird, was furuya behind him? he was just beside him-

turning around he finds furuya starting to lack behind, is it possible that he doesn't have much stamina?

sawamura had no time to think, the bear was closing in on furuya

making a quick u-turn he began to gather up his energy and delivered a blow that barely did anything, but it did halt it's movement.

"eijun-kun! dodge!!" haruichi yelled

he didn't notice it before, but it's fur was beginning to flare up

don't tell me it was going to-

suddenly furuya was infront of him, his sword out and also delivering a blow to the bear

"you weren't kidding when you said you could punch huh?" haruichi said

sawamura grunted "you didn't believe me??" he asked

"let's not talk about that now, it's too late to run" the short male smiled "think we can take it on?"

at first sawamura thought it was suicide but then again, it's not everyday you get a chance like this, and it would be a while before they could go on missions without a senior guild member

the three smiled at each other, silently agreeing with each other

while the bear was still stunned they made the first move, haruichi setting up wires by using the trees as support

when fighting, it is always a smart move to turn the battlefield in your favor

"these bears are slow, use the wires to increase your agility" haruichi said

he's scary...

furuya went ahead and started using the wires, are people here always this skilled??

sawamura followed behind, realizing how easy it actually was moving around, the strings were stable and their positions make it comfortable

the pair landed blow after blow, the bear is large and powerful but it's speed is below average

"one more hit!" sawamura yelled

the two launched themselves from haruichi's web of strings and was about to land the final blow but then there was a glow, an all so familiar glow

before they knew it they weren't at the forest anymore, they were back at the training grounds, the bear wasn't in front anymore but it was replaced by a stern looking man, a reasonable sized beard and sun glasses over his eyes

he's gonna get hit-!

but it never came

their arms were grabbed and twisted, their bodies were sent flying like rag dolls

luckily for them haruichi managed to make it in time and catch them before they could make contact with the hard ground

"congratulations, you're official members now" the man said "my name is kataoka tesshin, the guild master"

looking at their surroundings they noticed they were surrounded by many guild members, sawamura was confused, this was all of them??

"rei take note of this, out of 132 applicants only 17 have passed" kataoka said "the remaining 17 you can get your official marks over there with chris"

the brunette couldn't believe what he was hearing, THAT many people failed?? were they just lucky??

after waiting in line for a few minutes it was his turn, come to think of it he hasn't though about where he wants his mark to be placed

"where do you want it stamped?" chris asked

sawamura hummed before rolling up his sleeve on his left shoulder "will here be okay?" he asked

chris nodded before pressing down on his shoulder, once it was off sawamura couldn't help the smile creeping up on his face

there on his shoulder was the seidou guild mark, the letter S with alternationg colors of yellow and royal blue

"congratulations sawamura"

the golden eyed man looked to the owner of the voice, realizing it was miyuki

"miyuki kazuya!" he yelled

"hey try not to burst my eardrums now" miyuki said "anyways let's get you cleaned up"

he followed miyuki where he was led to a changing room with a shower inside, he was given some spare clothes which was just a simple shirt and sweat pants

when he got out he was then taken into the guild hall where he realized there was a party, with platters of food

"enjoy yourself you've earned it" miyuki smirked "but before that come here for a sec"

sawamura watched as miyuki grabbed a metal suitcase like box and handed it to him "what's this?" sawamura asked

miyuki simply replied "i noticed that you don't have a weapon nor anything that could support your ability" he said "plus you damaged your hands when you beat that thief, that got me thinking if you always get hurt when you attack"

when did he notice-

"and since you did help me in that job i decided to use the money to get you a little something" he said

when he opened the box his eyes widened, inside sat two beautiful golden bracelets

"those are gauntlets, when you release your energy into the bracelets they automatically change" miyuki explained "this way you could bring them wherever you want"

he was speechless, he never knew such a high tech item was possible

"you really didn't have to" sawamura said

miyuki hummed "well now that that's out of the way, i wanna ask you something"

he tilted his head in confusion, he looked serious.

"sawamura eijun, do you want to be my partner?"

that was it?

"sure" sawamura said

he didn't expect the entire guild would erupt into chaos though




the brunette looked confused "should i have said no?"

miyuki grinned "no takebacks~"

tomorrow's gonna be an interesting day

"Eyes of Gold"  - misawa fanfic by ValubieWhere stories live. Discover now