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"can everyone hear me? the enemy's location has been confirmed, let's regroup and head to them" tetsu's voice echoes from their communicator

sawamura sighed, it only took about 20 minutes to find.

once they were all gathered there were no need for words, they continued the plan like they discussed

they sent out the scouts first to secure the enemy base, when tetsu gives the signal all hell will break loose.

when they were at the border sawamura glared at the enemy, they were just slacking off and some were even drunk probably, they celebrated their success in obtaining such item.

the brunette locked his eyes on a tent which he assumed is where miyuki and the others were being held captive, judging from the heavily guarded entrance.

he still can't believe they got themselves captured.

of course they can't just rush in, the entire camp might be full of traps so to make sure there were none of that they carefully studied the pattern of where the men moved

they needed a distraction first.

what type of distraction you might ask? why a giant explosion just a few feet away from the enemy camp of course

when the bomb went off the thugs immediately went to investigate the area, leaving only a few to defend the main area.

and then they strike.

they quickly took care of the men left behind, by the time they finished the rest were already coming back and were shocked when they realized what went on

"sawamura go untie the others! i'll recover the feather" tetsu ordered

without hesitation he dashed towards the tent, knocking out the posted guards and quicky entering.

there he found the main team members, tied up with their hands behind their back and on the ground

if you take a closer look some of them still had burn marks and bruises from when they fought the pheonix, and no signs of man made injuries so everyone is okay atleast

"wow what took you so long?" miyuki

yeah he wants to leave now

sawamura rolled his eyes and released them one by one, arguing with miyuki as he did

"ugh! can't you just be grateful that we even came to rescue you??" he shouted

miyuki smirked "well that's only because we sent tetsu-san to get you" he said

the rest just watched and laughed at the interaction, of course they would argue while there's a small war going on just outside

"i can't believe you!!" sawamura huffed

kuramochi laughed "don't even bother sawamura, ya can never get an ounce of gratitude even if you squeeze him" he said

jun cracked his knuckles "thanks brat! now let's go kick some ass!!" he yelled

the brunette sighed "i have orders from the captain, don't move and save your strength" he said "and i'm going to assume everyone still hasn't recovered their mana

isashiki looked like a balloon slowly deflating, sawamura would've laughed but he didn't want to get beat up today

then the sound of a flare came from outside, that was the signal

"please follow me" sawamura said as he exited the tent, he made a run to the woods and found a good resting place

the battle was still going on but they were winning so there was nothing to worry about, he's just waiting for the second signal.

"eijun-kun?" haruichi approached from the bushes

sawamura gave a small wave with his hand "haruchii? aren't you supposed to be out there?" he asked

the pink haired male shook his head "i was sent here to check on you but everything seems to be going all according to plan" he said then his attention landed to ryousuke who greeted him

a familiar shiver went down sawamura's spine, this presence-

the second he turned around he came face to face with a sword which he luckily avoided just in time, he immediately went into combat

when the man grinned at him sawamura's eyes widened, it was that guy from the blacksmith he almost blew up

"haruchii!!" he shouted

the pinkette nodded and began to surround him and the group inside a capsule made of his mana strings

then sawamura's focus was on the man infront of him, he just has to stall enough time

both exchanged blows with several close calls, this man is an amazingly skilled swordsman, sawamura was already out of breath and back up has still no arrived, haruichi should have send a message to the captain by now

not to mention he's still exhausted from helping chris.

"say, do you want to know why we decided to keep your friends as hostages?" the man asked

sawamura sent a sharp glare before attempting to land a hit but was blocked

he laughed "the feather was merely a bonus, there's something much more valuable we're after" he said

what is he after? information? no, they could've resorted to torturing the hostages if that were the case. Then it hit him, a second group

they were after a second group

"you seem to have realized" he grinned

"eijun-kun, what's happening?"haruichi asked

sawamura gritted his teeth, something more valuable than an item that could grant any wish?

"sawamura!! behind you!!" he heard tetsu yell out but it was too late, sawamura couldn't react when a dagger was forced into his stomach, he looked at his bloody shirt then he felt the dagger pull out with a sickening squelch.

there was another guy behind him, he must have been hiding with a stealth type ability.

"the blood of a spirit holder could grant an immense amount of power, our client paid more for it than the worth of the feather" the man laughed

the second man laughed as he looked at his dagger shimmering with blood, he placed the dagger inside a container

the two managed to escape which was the worst part, yeah definetely not him bleeding to death

"sawamura! damn it don't move!" miyuki rushed over to him and helped him lay on the ground as he tried to stop the bleeding

ryousuke and kuramochi went after the two

miyuki looked so panicked, how did everything go so wrong so fast?

"get the feather to chris-san." sawamura said

they just looked at him like he was crazy, they all deeply care about chris but to think someone would even think about that despite bleeding to death in the middle of a forest.

"idiot, that's so like you" miyuki said "the medical team are on their way so hang on alright?" he added

sawamura laughed "you better not let me die miyuki kazuya, otherwise you'll be all alone again" he gave a smile

the older male smiled "i'm the one who should be saying that dumbass" as he let sawamura lean on his chest

yeah...they'll be just fine like this


few more chapters to go!! i reallt wished i could've given more details on this story but i still hoped you guys liked it :)

"Eyes of Gold"  - misawa fanfic by ValubieWhere stories live. Discover now