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"what's taking them so long?" rei said to herself, she stared with sad eyes at the resting face of Chris who was still bedridden.

sawamura pressed his lips into a thin line, it's almost been a week since they left.

if this goes on for a little while longer the worst possible scenario could happen, he grimaced at the thought of it.

miyuki would slaughter him if he were to let his role model go, he remembered the look miyuki had when he talked about Chris, it was full of admiration and pride.

some part of him felt jealous.

he's been monitoring chris with takashima-san, waiting for the next time he begins to freeze again.

"we should go after them" he commented

rei looked at him with her brows furrowed "i'm sure they're on their way back, if you go then it would take you days to get to where they are plus you're the only one who could maintain his body temperature" she said

they haven't heard from the team in a while, no updates about the success of the mission.

"but what if they aren't? if it takes any longer-"

then they heard a loud thud outside, followed by commotion.

sawamura quickly went to check and his eyes widened, in the middle of the guild hall was Tetsu, visibly tired and his body was bruised

there were yells of 'tetsu!' 'what happened' and such

the young captain winced "we need backup, we were ambushed on our way back" he huffed

rei ran out worriedly, whoever planned the ambush is pretty good

they knew about the operation of retrieving the feather, they picked the perfect time to do so when the guild's master was not present, and judging from the fact that they ambushed the team on their way back suggests they've been stalking them for quite some time

"the others are probably being held hostage, we managed to seal the feather for now but they might open it eventually" tetsu said

the woman sighed "you should rest, i'll send a back-up team" she said

tetsu shook his head "i can't do that, they bought me the time to get here, i have to be there when we rescue them as well" he said

the woman thought about it "fine, but atleast rest for a bit just until i contact kataoka" the team was their main unit, who can she send to provide the firepower that could even

the brunette just stared in shock, were they joking? that bastard four eyes really got himself captured??

"i want to go!" he blurted out

the woman stared at him "not possible, i need you to stay here to watch chris" she said "i appreciate the volunteer, your strength is useful but you are much needed here"

she was right, chris needed him more than the team did

then a flash of miyuki's face came into mind, the bastard who tricked him and is now his partner

he really wanted to go...

"if possible we should bring sawamura" tetsu commented

rei asked "what do you mean?"

the raven haired male explained "they had illegal mana consuming materials, sawamura would be useful since he gets his mana from the daylight"

"but sawamura needs to stay here with chris, and even if i would let him go it would be dangerous" rei said

sawamura took a deep breath "chris-senpai experiences freezing every 8-9 hours, if we leave after i temporarily treat him we would have 8 hours to complete the mission" he said

"but to get there and return would already consume all that time" rei said "teleportation stones for larger groups are difficult to find, but we can use the few we have in the guild for emergencies"

then it hit tetsu "we can teleport there, i remember the coordinates of the camp" he said " we were ambushed only a couple of minutes from there so it's our best shot"

"but what about the journey back?" sawamura asked

"you can come back with the feather by yourself, the rest would have to take the journey back home the long way" rei said

"that won't be a problem, our priority is Chris after all" tetsu said

rei then looked at sawamura "when is chris' next reaction?"

sawamura swallowed heavily, he was really gonna do this

the rescue operation was composed of a small team, their job was to mainly communicate and find a weakness

their goal was to safely release their friends and leave immediately, engaging in a fight with those illegal weapons would be trouble for them

"looks like we get to fight next to each other again"

the brunette smiled, he knew that voice

"yeah, seems like it" he replied

haruichi and furuya stood there, fully geared and ready for combat

the team was small, consisted of offensive fighters

"there's a chance we might enter into a danger zone the moment we get there, so be ready" tetsu said, he then gave a nod to rei who gave him the stone for their journey

once tetsu activated it sawamura braced himself, when he opened his eyes he was in a clear part of the forest, traces of human activity was obvious.

he was never gonna get used to using that thing

everyone immediately scattered when tetsu gave the signal, the first step was to locate the enemy and if possible they could get their comrades' attention

sawamura knew what it meant, the moment they set foot in here the timer began.

they had a few hours to complete this mission, and they were ready to risk anything to complete it.


hey heyyyy

this was a little rushed so i hope it's alright

i'm not good with fight scenes so please spare me after you read the next chapter :D

also i don't have classes on the weekends and monday so you guys might be expecting chapters around tuesday - thursday every week if possible

anyways thanks for reading so far, might be ending this book at 15 chapters since my mind is going wild with plots for the next fic im planning on writing

see ya next week :)

"Eyes of Gold"  - misawa fanfic by ValubieWhere stories live. Discover now