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Sawamura was starting his walk to the guild hall when he felt something odd, his instincts was kicking in and he decided to avoid it, come to think of it theres not that many people out today, he wonders what was going on

When sawamura entered the guild hall he was surprised to find not only an alive and well chris but also narumiya who immediately looked at him in the eyes, that was a signal of something serious

"Sawamura perfect timing!" rei exclaimed "are you feeling alright?" she asked

the brunette gave a small nod "i was told to come here?"

kataoka cleared his throat "take a seat sawamura, we might need your word on this matter" he said

as if leaving wakana will full access to his room wasn't nervewracking enough, now he has to sit in silence as the suspense washes over him.

sawamura took a seat at an offered spot, he then noticed the marked map in the center of the table, he studied it closely especially the red marked spots in various locations

"as you can see the red marks are pretty much everywhere" chris said

"what are these red dots anyways?" sawamura asked

narumiya sighed "explosives" he said "some bastard decided to threaten the entire kingdom for some money with hidden explosives"

the younger male furrowed his brows "then why haven't we made a move yet" he asked

"that's the thing, the explosives are all over, invisible to the eye and detonates on contact" kataoka said

then sawamura came to realize something, he just walked all the way to the guild hall, he could've been blown to bits!

"the entire kingdom is on lockdown, the anonymous person demanded too much money" rei sighed "so the king sent out a secret mission"

he could've died out there...

"what's with the face?" mei asked

the brunette groaned "you're telling me i could've died out there??" he exclaimed

"well i mean it is an all-out retrieval mission-"

"not not that! i meant walking here!! that wakana-!" sawamura grumbled

the blonde just rolled his eyes "you'll be fine, your senses should have saved you from that" he said "besides we also want to see if you've actually recovered well enough for this mission"

that's true but still!!

"anyways it seems that spirit holders like you and narumiya could sense these explosives better than any of us can" chris said

sawamura hummed "seriously?"

"and the reason for that is because they used spirit blood for casting the spell" kataoka said " only you holders could destroy them"

then it hit him, blood.

"don't worry it's not your blood they used, this group is different from the ones you faced before" rei said "the blood was taken from the frost spirit holder"

"but why would they target this kingdom specifically?"  sawamura asked

"probably because they hear word that two holders are here, maybe they were expecting us to act like brave heroes that save the day" narumiya said

sawamura's face was blank "are they stupid?"

the blonde smirked "i was joking, the king has more wealth than any other kingdom so it's pretty obvious why" he said

"we recieved a letter asking for you help, narumiya came here because he got the same message from their guild" rei said

the brunette already understood what they were going to say

"a mission right? to clear the kingdom of these things?" sawamura said

"we'll be gathering as many holders as we can to help us with this situation" narumiya said "some are already on their way here"

"and what if we get caught?" sawamura asked

rei smiled "that's why we also formed another team who's abilities are specialized in stealth and support"

"alright, i'm in" sawamura said

"i guess this meeting's at an end, i guess we wait for the other spirit holders we reached out to" rei said

"can i ask a question?" sawamura asked

rei smiled "what is it?"

"you don't happen to know where miyuki would be right?"

sawamura pushed away the shrubs, then he sighed when he found no one else but miyuki with his hands in his pockets staring intp the distance, he noticed sawamura when he turned to him with a small smile

"you haven't even been here for long yet you already got yourself into a lot of trouble" miyuki said

the younger male huffed "it's not like i'm doing it on purpose"

miyuki smirked "good point, but it's not normal for someone to get involved with a robbery the second they got here, get a front row seat to a collaboration mission, get stabbed and is now part of a large scale mission" he said

"alright! i get it! but all of this happened because of you!" sawamura yelled

'what? how is it my fault?" miyuki asked

sawamura pointed a finger at him "well you're the one who asked me to be your partner!"

"uh huh, and as you're partner i can't help but think you might actually die in this large scale mission" miyuki said

the brunette glared at him "what do you mean by that?"

"with the recent things that happened to you, your carelessness and idiotic mind worries me when you're going unsupervised" miyuki said

"i'm not a kid! besides i'm not going by myself!" he said

miyuki pressed his lips into a line "yeah but the mission will take months or even years, you'll be destroying the explosives, replacing them with a dummy and take down the mastermind behind everything" he said "and you'll be doing it away from the eyes of the public, with limited time too because the trades are currently being suspended"

"i'll be fine!!" sawamura said

silence followed the conversation as the two just stared off avoiding eye contact

"so i heard you were the one watching me when i was out, i guess i owe you a lot now huh?" sawamura said

"yes you do owe me a lot, so let me ask a favor from you as well" miyuki stepped closer

too close!

sawamura felt his face heat up, he's never been this close to miyuki before, he now realized how pretty his eyes were behind those glasses

then he felt a hand on his head "do me a favor and get back safely alright?" he said

"of course i will! then i'll prove to you that i'm not an idiot!!" he replied as he stomped away to the opposite direction of miyuki

miyuki scoffed "then i'll wait for you partner"


hello!! i'm kinda late here but i hope it's alright, i decided to end the fic here because i have no clue on how to progress the story without being too cliche, but i might make up a sequel if i could and i know it's random and all and obviously rushed.

anyways that's it for eyes of gold, next fic is 'Lines' which i will publish in a week or so.

thank you so much guys!

"Eyes of Gold"  - misawa fanfic by ValubieWhere stories live. Discover now