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"what? you two are going on another job already?" rei asked

she stared at the duo of sawamura and miyuki

"if that's okay" miyuki said "it's an urgent request job"

"it's fine but remember that our guild has an all hands on deck meeting later on, think you can make it?" she asked

miyuki hummed "the job is just right outside the city so we'll be back quick" he said

rei smiled "that's alright then, let chris-kun record it for you before you leave"

"will do" miyuki said

"i'm curious miyuki kazuya, chris-san is the same person who gave me this mark right? what does he do exactly?" sawamura asked

miyuki answered "chris-senpai fell victim to a curse one year ago while on a job, he tried to protect us but got hurt in the process, he's currently unable to channel his mana"

"seriously? was he strong?" sawamura asked

"yeah he was, perhaps a better fighter than me" miyuki said "our guild master offered him a job here as a manager so he handles all the job requests"

looking at miyuki's facial expression he seemed grim, he must've been an important person in this guild

"what happened to the job?" sawamura asked

miyuki sighed "we failed, it was an SS class job and despite our best team we still couldn't do much"

"i see" sawamura said

"why don't you wait for me outside sawamura? i'll catch up after i get this approved from chris-senpai" miyuki said successfully shifting the conversation

the brunette nodded as he made his way out the doors of the guild hall and out to the open, so should he just stand here?

"sawamura? are you waiting for something?" kuramochi asked, with him is ryousuke and haruichi

"miyuki-senpai was just going to get our job approved, he told me to wait out here" sawamura said "did you just come back from a job?"

ryousuke nodded "we wanted to show haruichi the ropes around here by taking him out on his first job, newbies aren't allowed to go solo on their first job afterall" he said

"that's true, well we better freshen up and get some grub as well" kuramochi said

"welcome back then!"sawamura said, he gave a small wave to haruichi who also waved back

he waited for another few minutes and then miyuki came out of the doors

miyuki gave a nod and the two were officially on their way

"i forgot to ask but what kind of job are we doing?" sawamura asked

"rumors of illegal items are being transported in the capital apparently, they have the exact location but apparently their group is so big that the council can't do much about it" miyuki said

"and you think the two of us can handle it??" sawamura asked

miyuki smirked "don't be stupid, it's a joint mission with another guild"

"with another guild? which one?" sawamura asked

"ichidaisan, inashiro and yakushi" miyuki answered

"aren't those like the best guilds?! why are you telling me this now??" sawamura exclaimed

"well i thought you knew, and besides this was a request job meaning we were specifically requested" miyuki said

sawamura still can't believe this guy

"let me guess, you were requested and you just brought me along?" sawamura asked

miyuki laughed "yeah that's exactly it, don't worry the other people are also bringing some newbies so you'll have some playmates" he said

"i'm not a kid!!" he exclaimed

the two bickered the entire way to the train station, the ride was only to the border of the capital so it only took them about an hour or so to arrive

sawamura was fairly nervous, he's never met someone from another guild and especially from the top guilds of the nation!!

"you're late kazuya" a male with blonde hair, blue eyes and a little bit shorter than sawamura said

"i'm not late, i arrived exactly on time, see? 1pm" miyuki said

the boy rolled his eyes and then looked at sawamura "is this your newbie?" he asked

miyuki replied "yeah, sawamura this is narumiya mei, you've heard of him before right?"


narumiya mei??

THAT narumiya mei?

the one that was said to be the best fighter of their generation?

he couldn't help but gape at the sight of him, everything he's heard about this narumiya person was so great and strong that he imagined that person would be a large muscular guy of sorts

the moment he made eye contact with the blonde sawamura felt an odd sensation welling up inside him, what was this feeling?

something about narumiya hypes him up, the spiritual part of him was screaming for some action

narumiya was acting odd as well, is he also feeling it?

could it be-

"are you...are you part spirit?" sawamura unconsciously asked

the blonde was taken back, so was miyuki

"i am, judging by how you figured that out i'm guessing you're part spirit as well" narumiya said

sawamura nodded, he looked at miyuki who had a smirk on his face watching the exchange

"yeah well there's that, anyways where are the others?" miyuki asked

narumiya pointed at a direction where a group of people were waiting, as they walked miyuki whispered something in his ear "careful now, these people are pretty skilled so don't let your guard down" he said

there were only seven of them, and half were newbies, are they really expecting them to take down an entire gang??

"don't be nervous, just listen to what i say and do it" miyuki said "you trust me right?"

sawamura gulped but nodded, trusting miyuki is all he could really do right now

he met the other people from the group, todoroki raichi is also a newbie like him, has an impressive amount of mana! and his mentor sanada shunpei he looked strong just from the outside, there's also tadano itsuki, narumiya's newbie, and from ichidaisan was just amahisa kousei, apparently his newbie got sick a while back so he came alone, speaking of amahisa...why does he keep trying to talk to him??

when they started the mission sawamura didn't know what to expect, he and the other newbies were simply instructed to keep and eye on the outside area and catch anyone that managed to escape

nobody escaped

it was over before he knew it

when he saw that the large group has fallen and captured in less than two hours he felt excited, there were a lot of strong people and strong guilds, there were so many things here that he would never get to experience and find back in nagano

sawamura looked at narumiya again, this urge to fight that has been welling up inside his chest since earlier still remained

he knows narumiya is strong

and it excites him.

"Eyes of Gold"  - misawa fanfic by ValubieWhere stories live. Discover now