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sawamura let out a big yawn as he rubbed his eyes and breathed in the morning air, he has enough rent money for another three months so it won't hurt to take a day off

come to think of it, he's been going on continuous jobs with miyuki since he got here, maybe he could do some exploring around the place, the only places he's been to is the marketplace and the guild

besides, today is the day the squad would be sent out to retrieve the feather

honestly coming to this city he was surprised by the number of thieves and robberies, sometimes he wonders how many criminals there can be in one place

but of course it's their job to assist with the arrests, sawamura then looked at the basket of fruits and snacks that sat on the table, miyuki came by last night to bring it to him and he's surprised the jerk didn't take it for himself, although he did take an apple.

"maybe i'll find somewhere to eat breakfast" he said to himself

and so he did, a nice small cafe with the most delicious serving of pancakes and for a good price


what should he do now?

he had the whole day for himself, he could just lay in bed all day

"sawamura? ah so it is you" a familiar voice said

the brunette found himself face to face with haruichi who also seemed to be exploring around the place

"haruichi! are you also checking out places?" sawamura asked

the pink haired male nodded "i assume you are as well, i'm actually on my way to pick up an upgrade on my weapon" he said

"really? do you mind if i come along then? i'm pretty bored today" sawamura asked

haruichi smiled "sure, the more the better"

"we haven't talked much since the exams huh? how've ya been?" sawamura asked

"aniki and you-san has been bringing me on their jobs so i got some experience atleast" he said

sawamura sighed "they're both in the squad that leaves today right?" he asked

haruichi nodded "yeah, so i'll be going on a job tomorrow by myself" he said "they won't be back for atleast a week"

"that's true, i could come along with you, i don't need the rewards" sawamura said

"really? i would really appreciate that" haruichi smiled

sawamura smiled "then it's settled! we'll have a temporary partnership while they're away!" he said excitedly "you can call me by my first name if you want!"

"then i'll call you eijun-kun"

the two entered the shop, it was a nice place and as would any blacksmith shop would, it smells like burning and smoke

something then caught sawamura's eyes, encased in a glass box full of talismans and seals was a small yellow gem

"i'll wait here, i want to take a look around for a moment" sawamura said

"hm? alright then" haruichi replied

sawamura stepped closer towards the box, he reached out his hand, he didn't even realize he was doing it

"you shouldn't touch it" a voice said

that snapped him out of his thoughts, looking to the owner he found none other than furuya

"furuya? what are you doing here?" sawamura asked

"i placed an order for a repair, what were you trying to do?" he asked

the brunette realized, did furuya think he was trying to steal it?

"i'm here with haruichi, he's also getting a weapon upgrade" sawamura answered "i wonder if i should get one too" he then looked at his wrist where his deactivated gauntlets sat

"it's made from good quality materials so it should last you quite some time before getting another upgrade" furuya said "and you didn't answer my question"

"ah! i was curious, do you know what it is?" sawamura asked

"it's most likely from a dungeon and is being crafted into a weapon" furuya guessed

you can do that??

"yeah and it's mine so back off" a tall man said, tatoos traveling up his face and down his arms

"sorry! we just wanted to take a look" sawamura said

the man let out a tch before walking away to find the blacksmith

sawamura stared at his back as he left, there was something oddly familiar about him, probably the crappy vibes he was giving out

"furuya you're here too?" haruichi joined the two as he carried a box in his hands

"you're done already?" sawamura asked

the pinkette nodded

"do you guys want to get some lunch?" sawamura asked "you should join us!" he beamed at furuya

the taller male nodded "sure then"

they entered a restaurant a few blocks away, it was modern, not too fancy

a chill went down sawamura's spine, it was that presence again

he turned his head and found the same man as earlier entering the restaurant they were in, sawamura just stared, he has a bad feeling about that guy since earlier

"that guy is purposely letting out his aura" furuya said

"but why though" sawamura asked

haruichi replied "most likely to show off or he could just be laying out his domainance over other people"

do people really do that? he should ask miyuki about that

come to think of it, how's he been doing? they should have left the guild by now

he remembers miyuki's grinning face

sawamura was too caught up in the thought, he realized too late that he was beginning to glow

and before anybody could react, he exploded.

"eijun-kun! are you okay??" haruichi yelled

what? he was awake??

he groaned "yeah i'm fine, is anybody hurt??" he asked

the people inside gave a thumbs up, no physical harm was done, they were simply shook

sawamura made sure to apologize and explain everything to them

"that's odd, whenever i explode i would usually be unconscious" sawamura said "what's so different about now?"

"you don't know what triggers it yes? you have plently of time to figure it out" haruichi said

"although you really need to get it under control" furuya commented

as they bickered and yelled at each other, a pair of eyes watched from a far

a sinister grin on his face as he spoke "you were right, he's the holder"

my friend: so since eijun is a fire holder and his side effect is that he explodes, and mei is a wind holder so his side effect is that he lets out large uncontrollable farts?

me: wait a damn minute-

my friend: does he?

me: i-

"Eyes of Gold"  - misawa fanfic by ValubieWhere stories live. Discover now