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when miyuki kicked down the giant doors to the seidou guild he was relieved to see that his fellow guild members seemed to have gotten the message and were already prepared, he placed sawamura on the infirmary bed and let the healers do their work

"what kind of stupid thing did this one do?" kuramochi asked

miyuki shut his lips tight "i don't know" he simply stated

"hah? what do you mean you don't know?"

"i've never seen anything like it, i think this one was my fault" miyuki said

the green haired male looked surprised "how is it your fault exactly?"

"i was unprepared, i didn't expect something like that from him, i didn't even know what he did" miyuki explained

"that wasn't your fault miyuki-kun, perhaps i would say it was actually mine" a new voice joined in, looking at the direction of the voice they quickly found out it was takashima rei "i guess there's a much needed explanation when sawamura-kun wakes up" she said

"rei-san, is there something we're supposed to know?" yuki asked

the female smiled "i think it would be appropriate if sawamura-kun were awake, but yes there is something you should know"

"could he possibly be a descendant of THAT sawamura clan?" ryousuke asked

all eyes turned to the pinkette

rei sighed and nodded "he is" she answered

"hello? more details?" jun asked

ryousuke remained quiet, if what he suspects is true then things were about to get extremely lively around the guild hall

"anyways he's currently in a state similar to hibernation, he'll wake up as soon as he's warmed up enough" rei explained

miyuki sighed, he got scared there for a moment

not that he would admit it

but seriously though, if sawamura would've suffered something life threatening because of him he would never forgive himself

after all...

"can i call you kazu then?"

sawamura hears rustling around him, was he asleep? this wasn't his room

then it all came back to him, the thing with miyuki and those monsters, everything came flooding in

but he couldn't remember what happened after that, it was all a blur

"you're awake"

he diverted his eyes and found miyuki sitting on a chair beside him, his arms crossed

still in a state of panic he quickly sprung up "wait! what happened?? where am i?"

"you're in the guild's infirmary, and lay back down!" miyuki scolded

sawamura complied but still looked at him with a gaze that just screams curiousity

"honestly i thought you would know what you did, because it was the first for me" miyuki said "but apparently rei-san said you have some explaining about your clan?"

"oh..." sawamura said "i did it again"

"did what again?"

then the doors opened, in came many of the guild members, some were familiar to sawamura and some were completely new

"ah he's awake" kuramochi said

sawamura looked at miyuki in confusion, miyuki just shrugged "they were curious"

"Eyes of Gold"  - misawa fanfic by ValubieWhere stories live. Discover now