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Jungkook and Taehyung will be younger and same age in this story

I will be writing Y/N like Y.N when im writing on phone thanks for understanding <3
Also crystal aint me i just like the name

"Y/N are you coming down?" Her mom yelled whilest Crystal is waiting near the front door. "Yeah mom just let me do something real quick" Within a few seconds she came running down the stairs 

Y/N's outfit:

Crystal's outfit:

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Crystal's outfit:

When they get where they need to go

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When they get where they need to go.

"Hey guys!" Jin said smiling opening the door wider so Crystal and Y/N can walk in

After some time

Jin was 22 and Y/N and Crystal are 19. Yoongi is also 22. Not that bad right-?

Yoongi then comes down looking like he just woke up but keeping his eyes closed (because he did just wake up)

Yoongi then comes down looking like he just woke up but keeping his eyes closed (because he did just wake up)

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"Afternoon." Y/N said and Yoongi looked up "Y/N?" he paused "Crystal?" He looked confused 

"He's forgot that you guys were coming for a movie night" Jin said in a dissapointed voice "Oh shit yeah." Yoongi says tiredly "I have a job you know! Anyways be right back." He says "Wheres double trouble?" He asked again "Oh they should be back any min-" Jin was cut off by the door opening

"BITCHES ARE HERE" A voice yelled then walked in with a bag and another boy who looked annoyed 

"Welcome back" Jin says grabbing the bag whilst one person is still holding his arms up and Yoongi walks upstairs 

Jungkook and Taehyung are 14

Jungkook was adoped by Jin when Jungkook was 9 but Jin used to help out with kids who was waiting to be put into a foster care, but Jungkook was never taken by one. so jin adopted him when he turned 16. Taehyung on the other hand lives with abusive parents so most of the time hes at jins. not him always getting hit for it but he doesn't care as long as he has fun.

"Why is Jungkook looking so moody?" Y/N asked the Taehyung looked behind. "OH! His english teacher yelled at him because he was drawing but what do you expect its her she never lets you do what you want she just is the worst and yeah i dont see why she has a husband like i bet the husband would fall for me instead you know and some girls confessed to him and tried following home until Mr Kim stopped them" He then paused for a breath "So yeah" Taehyung says and Jungkook nods then throws his shoes and bag and sits next to crystal

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked looking at Crystal

"I'm Crystal" Crystal says "You don't remember her?" Jin asked concerned for where jungkook has been "Well.. no she's just changed from like a year ago." Jungkook says and Crystal agrees and Yoongi comes down looking better 

"Well i guess you could say i have since i lost weight"Crystal says and Yoongi walks to in front of jungkook.
"Move" Yoongi says and Jungkook moves and Yoongi sits down
"My seat"

A few hours later after them watching the movie

"I have to get going now guys see you later." Crystal waves putting on a smile and leaving

"Cafe tomorrow?" Jin asked Y/N nodded
"Nah i'm busy tomorrow" Yoongi says and everyone stares at him.
"Work?" Y/N asks and Yoongi nods standing up
"I'll see you guys later im going bed bye" Yoongi says and goes upstairs

"I should go now." Taehyung says awakwardly standing up.
"I will walk you home." Jungkook says standing up going to the door getting his shoes on with Taehyung then they leave. Leaving Y/N and Jin alone

"Wanna watch a Kdrama?" Jin asks
"Yeah sure" Y/N says moving so Jin can sit beside her and he sits next to her and they start watching one but a few seconds later

"Don't fuck guys" Yoongi yelled from his room
"WE'RE BEST FRIENDS DUMASS" Jin yelled and Y/N laughed

Meanwhile with Taekook

"Are you sure?" He asked worried
"Yes Jungkook I will be fine stop worrying!"
"But-" Taehyung cut him off 
"Jungkook. I will E-mail you what they do okay?"
"Okay..." Jungkook said upset and they carried on walking


Taehyung knocks on the door with Jungkook next to him

"What took you so long?!" His mom asked holding a knife due to cooking
"I was hanging out with Jungkook and-" Taehyung got cut off
"You carry on then this will go through your throat!" His mom said pointing the knife to his throat then dragging him in.

Jungkook is now stood there feelin guilty because he can't do anything about iit but then he starts walking home


Jin and Y/N fell asleep so Jungkook turns off the lights and TV then goes to his room opening his laptop waiting for an email

From: Taehyung Kim
Subject: Friday 19th March
                                                       Hey jungkook....

Jungkook then opened the email

Hey Jungkook quick update about what happened. My wrist is broke...I think, anyways I over heard a convo my parents were having. They're talking about Daegu and Seoul.. They want to stop our friendship kook. oh before i forget how can i cover a black eye? Anyways goodnight kookie! <3


Subject: Friday 19th March

Taehyung... Im sorry i wasnt there, i would've helped you out but you know, don't worry soon i will get you out of there..Hopefully I'll help you tommorrow with the bruise. Night tae.


From: Taehyung Kim
Subject: Friday 19th March

Jungkook smiled to himself then he realised They're talking about Daegu and Seoul

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Jungkook smiled to himself then he realised 
They're talking about Daegu and Seoul.. They want to stop our friendship kook.

"Wait what the fuck?!"

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