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Jungkook couldn't sleep that night knowing that his best friend, his only friend would probably be leaving him just because of his dumbass parents jungkook waited until the afternoon when he went down he say Y.N, Jin,Jimin,Namjoon(his teacher) and hobi there

"Hey! Is tae coming over?" Jin asked jungkook whilst he picked up a cup
"I dunno I haven't checked my emails yet hold on" jungkook says getting his phone out checking

From: Taehyung Kim
Subject: saturday 19th March

Coming over!! Just gotta be careful with my wrist.. I used the library and school as an excuse  see you in 5.


"Yeah he's coming..."jungkook said

5 mins later there was a knock on the door and jungkook answered it seeing smiling Taehyung with one sleeve in but the other out

"Hi!!" Taehyung says happily and walks in as says hi to everyone

"What's happened to your arm tae?"Y.N asked and Taehyung looked at it and looked to jungkook
"His asshole parents come here tae"jungkook says getting the bandages still not smiling

"The wrist or arm?" Jungkook asked taehyung and looked at him the eyes
"Some of the arm but not all"Taehyung says watching jungkook wrap it around him

Anyways back to y.n lmao

"Okey me and Y.N are going to the café see you guys tomorrow" Jin says and everyone agrees and they leave

"How's it going then?" Jin asked and sipped some of his Drink
"It's alright the company said we've got to go to UK for the fan meetings and I can take a friend "Y.N says and Jin gets excited
"Me?" Jin asked and pulls the 🥺 face
"Yes you can"Y.N says and laughs

After they hung out when Y/N get home she went to her bed getting her phone out checking he twitter seeing people are commenting on her posts about how angelic she is (im so nice u kno)

She smiled to herself then changed. and left to go to her company building since they had a meeting that day

"Wheres Yoongi?!" The manager asked and sometime later Yoongi came running in 
"I'm here"Yoongi says then sitting down and the manager rolls his eyes

"Okay since we are going into a country where we don't know the language we will need most of you to learn the basics. Does anyone here know English?" The manager asked and everyone looked at someone who was just writing in their notebook
"Crystal?" He said and she looked up 
"Hm?" She said looking scared 
"Do you know english?" The manager asked calmly and she looked around

"O-Oh Yeah" She said and the manager turns around to his notebook
"We've got the translator then." He said and Crystal looked terrified
"Huh?" The manager ignored her and went to talk about something else

"We're going tomorrow so Y/N pick someone to take with you see you guys tomorrow have a great rest!" The manager says and everyone gets ready to leave 

"I can't do that!" Crystal said as Y/N and her walk out
"It'll be fine, don't worry, i will be here with you too!!" Y/N says and carry on walking ouy

 Next day they were all at the airport 

"Okay everyone what will you do if a fan comes up to you and tries doing anything?" The manager asks 
"Hit them in the face" Yoongi says and theres and awkward silence
"Uhm i guess..? and push them off ok?" The manager says writing down things and everyone nods

In the plane Y/N and Jin sit next to each other

this is how the seating went

Front- Manager, camera person
Middle: Security guard 1, Crystal
Middle(2): Security guard 2, Y/N,Jin
Middle(3): Yoongi
Back: People from the public

Y/N and Jin was watching movies. Yoongi was making music, the security guards were doing nothing. The manager was writing notes down, and Crystal was listening to music

After 5 hours everyone except Crystal and Yoongi was asleep, at this time Yoongi was still doing what he was doing and crystal was writing english until she felt something on her shoulder

she jumped at it and whispered
"Holy shit..." she said in english 
until she heard someone speak to her in korean

"Annoying isnt it?"
"Hmm?" She replied looking behind her noticing it was yoongi
"It's annoying that people lean on you  to try get your attention." Yoongi said then typing on his laptop
"Oh yeah" she said not knowing what else to say then she got a message

Mom: Hey sweetie how are you?

Crystal: Why are you messaging me?

Mom: I saw you on the news so i decided to message you

Crystal: Ah this trick bye

Mom: No wait!

Crystal: Yah what

Mom: Im sorry for what ive done, i really am sweetheart

"Fuck sake this woman" Crystal said in english so nobody could know what she was saying
"You do know that i know swear words in english right?" Yoongi asked
"Oh yeah i know you do." Crystal says the puts her phone down and tries moving the head
"Wanna sit back here?" Yoongi asked
"No its ok"

"I don't mind come here." Yoongi says smiling
"Okay then" Crystal says then got the head off her and went near Yoongi
"What you up to?"

5 hours later

"Hello everyone the flight will finish in about an hour and 30 mins."

"Finally" Y/N said and Jin laughs
"you excited?" Jin asked and turned to her
"Yeah i am. i like these times" Y/N says then looks where crystal was meant to be 
"Where is Crystal?" Y/N asks then looks behind 
"Oh-" Y/N says
"Where is she?" Jin asks
"Asleep sitting next to yoongi who is also asleep" Y/N says 

end of flight

"Okay everyone this is the hotel we're staying in ive already got whos staying in where."

Room 1- Manager, security guard 1
Room 8: Yoongi, Y/N, Jin
Room 12: Camera person, security guard 2
Room 7: Crystal

"Sorry you're alone Crystal." Manager says 
"Its ok" Crystal says
"Okay everyone have a great rest see you all tomorrow 9am" The manager says and goes to his room but guving everyone the keys first and everyone goes

"Who wants to play a game of truth or dare but we get em off google?" Y/N asks and Jin Jumps
"Me!" He says
"Nah" Yoongi says
"Pwease Yoongi....." Jin asks and Y/N joins in
"Fine whatever" Yoongi says and they start playing

"Truth or dare yoongi?" 

"uh dare"

"I dare you to." they google one

"I dare you to......."

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