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This is a Crystal and Yoongi focus 

This is what happened whilst Y/n was at the fanmeeting

"Crystal... open the door..." Yoongi said

no reply

"CRYSTAL" Yoongi yells "I can't break this fucking door so open up or I will get security to unlock it. We have no idea what you're doing in there so fucking open the door"Yoongi says and starts to cry
Then something drops and he hears a draw close then the door unlock to see Crystal with eyes like shes been crying for hours.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked still crying
"Nothing."Crystal said upset and yoongi walked in then hugged her
"Please talk to me..."yoongi says and hugs her tighter

"It was when you kissed me yesterday.. It was making me wonder something.." Crystal says cuddling into Yoongi
"I'm sorry.. It was a dare to kiss the person i had a crush on and yeah... I know you wouldn't like me back because i'm fucking stupid, and i'm sorry if i took  your first kiss." Yoongi says

"Do you mean that and Who said i didn't like you back?" Crystal said nervously
"Yes i mean it." Yoongi says 


lets go to where they first met c:

"Crystal What are you doing?" Ki (her mom) asked 
"O-Oh i'm going in here to get a salad mom." Crystal says nervously 
"No. 2 days left until you can eat again." Ki says and drags crystal away little did they know someone was listening 

" Ki says and drags crystal away little did they know someone was listening 

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The boy then followed them into the clothes shop to see what she would do

they picked out a skirt 

they picked out a skirt 

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"This will be good."

(im using uk sizes btw)

"try this on." Ki said and crystal went into the changing rooms and came back out

"Can we get the size up its too small?" Crystal asked 
"No. Maybe you need extra days.."

the boy quickly hid when the woman looked around 

"Extra week added on. No food for a week or it will be longer. XS it is" Ki said and Crystal nodded sadly changing back then going to look at the clothes she actually liked

 XS it is" Ki said and Crystal nodded sadly changing back then going to look at the clothes she actually liked

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Whilst Crystal was gone

"Excuse me miss?" The boy said and walked up to Ki.
"Is she your daughter?" He asked and she nodded "You do realise you need to feed her? Or she will die."
"I don't care, she won't die stop trying to control my parenting. Where is she?" Ki says and sees crystal looking at in her opinion shit clothes

"You aren't getting them" She says and crystal ignores her then the boy walks up to her

"Hey. I'm Yoongi" Yoongi says and waves and Crystal nervously waves back "Crystal right?" He asked and she nodded "Want me to buy them?"
"O-Oh n-no its fine, i cant get them anyway and i don't wanna waste your money." Crystal says and Yoongi grabs the clothes 
"Its fine i've got enough and it doesnt matter what your mom says, how old are you?" Yoongi said
"14.." Crystal says

"Oh i see.. Im 16 im off work at the moment so. Come on" Yoongi says then puts his arm over her shoulder and they walk towards where they need to pay

"50 please." the cash person says and yoongi does the thing yah know and walked where they was before

"There you go sorted" Yoongi says "Also this is what i look like without the mask and glasses and yeah i guess you can recognise me." he says and takes his mask off and crystal is in shock

"Y-You're the songwriter Yoongi?" She asked and he nodded

"Crystal we're going now." Ki says and stares a them both

"Heres my number, and socials and email in case you have none of them" He says and smiles and gives her the paper 
"Thanks..." Crystal says nervously then her mom drags her away

"Poor kid.."

When crystal got home

"WHO GOT YOU THESE?" her dad yelled as Crystal was crying
"Just someone." she said
"TELL ME OR I WILL CALL THE POLICE!" Her dad yelled again
"JUST SOMEONE CALLED YOONGI" Crystal yelled back
"Yoongi my ass get out of my sight with your stuff" 

Recently when they're in the room

"Hungry?" Yoongi asked
"No." Crystal said looking at the fire in front of her and yoongi sighs and sits next to her
"Look at me." Yoongi says and crsytal looks at him

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry he kicked you off... I'm gonna get you back on don't worry... you're a really good songwriter. Little did he know it was you writing the songs."yoongi says and Crystal looks away

"Hey... If it wasn't for you I would probably not be working with Y/N.. I'd probably still be fighting with your parents" yoongi says and Crystal laughs a bit.
"So. Have you written recently?: yoongi asked and Crystal nodded
"Quite a lot to be honest.." she said nervously
"Wanna show me?" Yoongi asked and she nodded going up to grab her laptop she then logs into it and gets it up and yoongi reads it

"This is amazing!!" Yoongi says happily
"It's nothing really.." Crystal says nervously
"Whats I love you in english?" Yoongi asked


"I love you"

(korean flag)

"I love you too" Yoongi says and Crystal's eyes widened
"I..." was all she could say without blushing

"I dunno if its a good moment to but will you be my girlfriend?" 

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