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"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jin asked and Y/N git shocked and happy
"Yes Jinnie" She said and hugged him

4 Months later they heard nothing off crystal until

Someone knocked on the door and this time Yoongi answered it and saw Crystal

"Crystal!!" Yoongi says happily and hugs her but then looks at her and she is in tears and breaks the hug "Crystal..?" Yoongi asked worried and she gets her phone out and shows him

?" Yoongi asked worried and she gets her phone out and shows him

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he reads it and gets mad

"Jungkook!" Yoongi yells and Jungkook comes down 
"Yes?" He asks
"Get the car on please." Yoongi says and gives Jungkook the keys and hugs crystal "Crystal.. We are going to get you out of that hell hole okay? along with Jimin okay?" Yoongi says and they go into the car

Crystal tells them where she lives it wasnt that far away and Yoongi drives there and opens the door, Crystal staying in the car

"Where are the little assholes?" Yoongi yells and 3 people come down
"And why are you here?" Ki asked looking discusted and Yoongi walks up to them 
"Because i am. Where is Jimin?" Yoongi says in crystals dads direction and Nobody answers so yoongi pushes Crystals dad "I said where is Jimin!" Yoongi yells and Jimin comes down
"Whats going on?" Jimin asked 
"Get in the car now" Yoongi says and Jimin slowly walks out Yoongi then gets his phone ot calling the police

"(Your country police number), whats your emegnancy?"

"Hi i would like to report something of controlling someone"

"Okay, what type of controlling is it, may i ask?"

"I dont know what type but someone i know has been put into forced marrige,forced to be starved,abuse mentally and physically,causes of self harm and forced pregnancy by her mom and dad and her husbands now mom"

"Okay. Are you by any chance with the people?"


"What is your name?"

"Min Yoongi"

Crystals parents and Jimins mom are looking at Yoongi terrified and Crystals Mom hugging her dad crying

"Okay. Thank You Yoongi, whats the address please?

he said it

"Okay police will be there in 2 mins please stay on the line if you can"

yah when they got there Crystals mom and Dad was arrested along with Jimins mom and the police went to Yoongis car where Jimin,Crystal,Jungkook,Y/N and Yoongi was

"Wheres crystal?" The police officer asked and Yoongi pointed to her so he went to her side
"May I ask how long your mom has been doing this for?" He asked holding his note book
"S-Since i was 8"

"Okay..Since you was 8... How old are you now?" He asked
"20.." she said nervously 
"Okay, we've been told about..Forced pregnancy if im right?" police officer 2 asked
"Yep" Poilce officer 1 said
"How many months in?" Police officer 2 asked and she looked more nervous

5 mins later

"Okay.. Crystal. We have two choices for you." They said and she looked at them
"You can do an abortion or keep the baby what would you like to do?Its up to you since it was forced"
Crystal then looked at Yoongi he shrugged and then she looked at Jimin who also shrugged
"I-I'll keep it.." She said and the police officer smiled
"I would've done that if i could." She said and chuckled
"Huh?" Crystal said
"I would've been a teen mom, but i didnt want to because i wanted to be what i am now. Anyways you guys can leave now!" She says quickly changing the subject
"Oh okay" Yoongi says starting the car and eventually driving off

OKIE so Jimin and Crystal weren't married because the police sorted it out and Jimin instead married Hoseok since Hoseok was origninally his boyfriend they got married. Crystal gave birth to a baby boy named Yeo named after one of Taehyung's old friends who passed away. Jimin still visits him as much as he can but when Yeo grows up he will be told the truth. Yoongi and Crystal got married in 2024.Taehyung and Jungkook got married in 2030 and adopted new born twins. Yoongi and Crystal had their own baby too

now to the cutest couple in my opinion

Y/N and Jin 

They both got married in 2025,Y/N moved companys to Hybe and having a better time there. the other company was closed down and the owner arrested due to him raping 12 years olds,Yoongi got a job at hybe as a songwriter and Rapper. Yoongi's mom also sadly passed away due to cancer everyone misses her :( <3 in 2026 Y/N and Jin had kids. Twin boys named Jaeho and Jaejin. Jin chose Jaejin lol they all have their own houses running their families <3

also did i mention crystal became a singer songwriter just like she wanted to? No? well you know now!!!

Thank you so much for reading this story i love you all so much <33333

I won't be leaving yet but in septemeber I will be taking a break for a bit because i am going into year 9 and i need to study more <33

Have a good day

P.S my rant account is 

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