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"You dad passed away..."
"What..." Yoongi said tearing up
"He got into a car crash and passed away a few weeks ago.." His mom said and Yoongi started to cry so crystal hugged him
"I'm so sorry for you loss.. both of you.."

a few mins later they calmed down and crystals phone started ringing so she answered

"Hello is this Kim Taehyung speaking?"

"Um no its his friend crystal, I'll pass you onto him give me a min."

crystal signals Yoongis mom to come in and Yoongi takes her into the living room and crystal goes to Jungkooks room and goes to Taehyung and gives the phone to him and he puts it on speaker Y/N was confused (btw jin,tae,y/n and jungkook are hanging out now)


"Hi are you Kim Taehyung?"


"Do you know english?" 


"Any friends..?"


"Alright. We need you to come to america to a curtain address to sign things before your parents  get killed. is that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine."

"We also need to have a chat with you and your parents are you okay to come in now? You might need to bring an english speaker."


"Okay thank you see you soon."

At the police station 

"Hi there we just need you to fill these before going america to fill in the other ones thats why you need to bring someone who knows english..Uh who is it?" The officer asked and taehyung pointed to crystal and they started

heres how they fillled it out.

Name: Taehyung
Last name: Kim
Age: 15
DOB:30th December 2005

Relation to criminal(s): Son
Allegies (leave blank if none): Mom: Potatoes,jam

Thank you for filling out the form you will fill this again in america!

"Your parents said they would like to talk to you by the way they're in the room down there." The officer said and they went in there

"Taehyung.. We're really sorry for what we did" His dad said and his mom whispered in his ear
"Convince them not to kill us." Taehyung shaked his head not sayin a word
"He isnt doing shit for you" Jungkook says and holds taehyungs hand and about to leave
"Are you two seriously a couple?" His mom asked looking discusted
"Yeah now bye." Jungkook said and they left and went home

when they got home

"Wait. crystal just driven Yoongi's car?" Jungkook asked and she nodded putting the keys back going to the living room and sits on the floor and goes on her phone

"So whos crystal here?" Yoongis mom asked and crystal put her hand up
"The one who has a thing for sitting on the floor." Yoongi says and laughs
"Awe when did you meet and how?" His mom asked
"I was having a stroll in the mall until i heard someone try get food but her mom said no more eating for 2 days but then they left and i was curious so i followed them into a clothes shop. And thats when she tried something short on her but her mom made her not eat for an extra week. then she was looking at clothes but her mom didnt let her get them so i got them for her and gave her my socials so.. yeah" Yoongi says and his momis momshook (lmao get it)

"How old were you both?" His mom asked
"She was 14 and I was 16 then" Yoongi said 
"Woah." His mom said and crystals phone started ringing and she sighed
"i bet Its my mom." She said answering it putting it on speaker


"Hey sweetie!! Can you come here tomorrow?"

"No I'm going somewhere, and do you not understand korean or something? I said for you to stop getting new numbers and calling me. I am not changing my number."

"Korean's hard so i dont like speaking it I'd rather talk english its more beautiful."



"Stop calling me okay?"

"Ugh whatever I'll come visit myself sometime and you better be skinny."

Crystal sighs and ends the call leaving the room.

le awkward silence

Next day

"Hey are you okay, you wasnt in bed at all last night?" Yoongi asked crystal
"Yep im fine." She said putting on a smile then someone knocks on the door and she gets up to the door and takes a deep breath and opens the door

"Hey mom!" Crystal says acting happy to see her and lets her in ashe walks in then goes into the living room and crystal follows along

"First of all,why don't you intoduce me to your friends?" Her mom asked and crystal faked smiled
"This is Jungkook and Taehyung they're 15 and best friends" Crystal said pointing to them lying because her mom is homophobic
"This is Jin and Y/N they are best friends for quite a while and Y/N is also my best friend" Crystal says pointing to them and stayed quiet when it got to introducing Yoongi for a few mins. she sighs and points to him
"This is..Yoongi..My boyfriend." Crystal said and her mom got angry "Mom I-" She cut crystal off


"Out of all fucking people Yoongi?!" Her mom said angrily whilst everyone was watching but didnt understand,but Yoongi was only understanding the swear words
"yes mom. i can fall in love with whoever i want!" Crystal says holding back her tears
"I already found someone for you to marry though fuck sake." Her mom said and crystal got shocked
"Mom.. what..?" She asked still holding her tears back
"Yes you fucking.. urgh.you two better break up now." Her mom said and crystal stood up and grabbed her arm dragging her to the door opening it and pushing her out not saying a word then closing it and goes to the ground and starts crying and Yoongi ran to her


"Crystal, what did she say?" Yoongi asked with Y/N running along but she didnt reply
"Crystal you need to tell us please." Y/N said putting her hand on her shoulder and crystal cried
"She...a-a.." Crystal just cried and couldnt say words
"Text us it on the group chat." Yoongi said giving crystal her phone and she nods

Crystal: My mom is making me break up with Yoongi to get with someone and marry them.I'm sorry

she pressed send and put her phone down and cried more and Yoongi reads it getting angry then she gets someone calling her so she wipes her tears and answers it


"Hi apparently im your future husband..? My name is Park Jimin and You..?"

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