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"BABY?" Jin shouted in suprise

"Yes! can we speak about this later please?" Jungkook said and the acrried Taehyung into Yoongis car because hes 15 he cant drive bitches

A few hours later 

They were like this but taehyung looking more sad and jungkook playin on his phone

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They were like this but taehyung looking more sad and jungkook playin on his phone

A few hours after Taehyung woke up

"So... Wanna fill us in?" Jin asked with everyone who hangs out with them there.


Flashback 1 year ago 

"Taehyung.. Can we talk..." Jungkook asked looking upset
"Yeah of course kookie, what is it?" Taehyung asked then signaling him to sit next to him

"Tae..I want to tell you that i like you.." Jungkook said looking down and taehyung gets shocked
"L-Like? a-as in love?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook nods sadly
"Kookie.. I do too.." Taehyung says and gets shy
"Really? You're not messing with me?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung shakes his head "O-Oh wow..."

After jungkook asking if tae wants to be his boyfriend and shit after

"We can't tell jin and the others because i dont know if they're against people who like the same gender okay..?" Jungkook says and Taehyung nods

end of flashback

"Awh thats cute!" Jin says and The other nod
"We support you two." Yoongi says and they smile

"Should we all go out today?" Yoongi asked 
"sure me and Y/N will stay with Taekook." Jin says and yoongi nods

After a few hours there

"Y/N and me will be back." Jin says and drags Y/N out

"Y/N.. I like you and ive liked you for quite a while but i never had the guts to tell you until now.." Jin says and Y/N gets shocked
"Jinnie...I'm sorry i dont have feeling for you in that way" Y/N said then git more shocked with what she said
"Shit shit shit why tf did i do that?"

"Oh its ok.." Jin says
"I-I'm sorry i will leave now.." Y/N says and leaves

"YN wait!" Jin says but Y/N walked off he then walked back where taekook was

"Wheres Y/N ?" Jungkook asked
"I don't know...I just confessed to her and she rejected me and ran off.." Jin says and Jungkook gets shocked and runs to Yoongi and Crystal with Taehyung

"Guys?" Jungkook said
"Hm?" Crystal replied
"Y/N rejected Jin's confession to her..." Jungkook said
"WHAT? WHERE IS SHE?!" Crystal asked then started to panic
"I dunno jin said she ran off.." Jungkook says 

Next day they had the news up on the TV

"Kpop idol soloist Y/N has reported missing. Her best friend said she ran away. if found please report to 0983744389 right away."

"No.." Crystal said looking at the tv "She couldnt of gone far right?" She said then nervously laughed and Yoongi hugs her
"Its okay.. she's gotta come back." Yoongi says whilst crystal cries

With Y/N a few days later 

"Fuck.. Where am I now?" Y/N said and looked around to see a hotel so she goes to it

"Hi where am i?" Y/N asks and the desk person smiles
"You're in Daegu sweetie." She says nicely
"D-Daegu?" Y/N says and she nods "Yoongi and Tae's hometown.." Y/N mumbles
"Did you say Yoongi?" The lady asks 
"U-Uh yes?" Y/N replies

"Where is he?!" She asks
"May i ask who is asking?" Y/N asked nervously
"I'm his mom Min Aera(im making stuff up here yall)" She says and gets a bit teary "He ran away when he was 13, when me and his dad said that theres no point in being a songwriter and rapper because we knew nothing about it.."

"Aw..I can take you to him if you like?" Y/N says and she agrees

On the train

"Can i borrow your phone?" Y/N asks and Aera lets her and Y/N sees all the posts and a trending hashtag of #findyn and #returnyn

"Who's Y/N?" Aera asks 
"Thats me." Y/N says and Aera becomes shocked

then people notice her

"GUYS ITS Y/N , SOMEONE CALL HER COMPANY NOW." Someone yells and Y/N sighs
"Enjoy being famous for a bit" Y/N says

a few hours later they get to Jins house and knock on the door and she hears yelling off jin

"Is nobody getting it?"


"Ugh I'll get it then!"

Jin opens the door looking tired and then crystal goes behind him

"Y-Y/N?" Jin says and crystal gets shocked but she focuses on the woman with Y/N
"Hey.." Y/N says and hugs Jin

"Why does she look like Yoongi...Alot?" Crystal asked looking at aera the Yoongi comes with his coffee and he is yoonshook

so Y/N dragged jin away crystal stayed

"Mom?" Yoongi said
"Yoongi.. Me and your dad are really sorry.. after you left we researched it all and felt guilty after so we've been rying to look for you.. Your dad gave up after 2 years and i never gave up..2 She said trying not to cry
"Mom..It's fine i forgive you.. What happened to dad is he okay?" Yoongi asked and she looked more upset. "Mom..?"

"Your dad passed away.."

sorry its short

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