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"Jinnie whats wrong?" Jungkook asked running to him and Yoongi,Y/N and Crystal walked in
"I can't tell you kook ive been told not to." Jin says wiping the tears but jungkook hugged him
"Jin.. tell me now!" Jungkook says
"Taehyung is in the hospital." Jin says and Jungkook tears up
"What? WHY" Jungkook asked and the others are in shock

"He was kiddnapped, raped and stabbed when me and Y/N,Crystal and Yoongi was away, I just got the email..
"I'm going there now and i dont give a fuck what they say" Jungkook says running to his room changing then running to the hospital

"Where is Taehyungs room?!" He asked the receptionist
"I'm sorry sir i can't tell you until we know the relationship with him." She said
"I'm his brother let me in" Jungkook says and she sighs
"Room 14" She said and Jungkook went there and saw Taehyung awake looking miserable

"T-Tae.." Jungkook said walking to the chair next to the bed
"Kookie??" Taehyung said looking more happier
"I-I'm so sorry.. This is my fault, I never replied to you, I never went to school, I never saved you and i never found out until now im so sorry im just a fucking idi-" Jungkook was cut off by Taehyung wiping his tears
"Jungkookie its okay, its my fault for going out at 12am. I was gonna go to yours.." Taehyung says then a tear goes down his face

"T-Tae..£ Jungkook said then broke into tears hugging Taes arm

After some time of them talking

"Alright tae, we finally got in touch with your parents and they will be here soon!" The nurse said
"I'm sorry but they cant come here." Jungkook says 
"I'm sorry what?" The nurse says laughing slightly
"Why do you think tae has all these scars and a broken wrist and shit?" Jungkook asked
"Wait what?" The nurse said then went to look at Taehyungs wrist
"Oh my god..." The nurse said then walked out fast

Taehyung's parents got there and acted all nice

"Oh my gosh sweet heart what happened?2 His mom said and Taehyung didnt reply

a few mins later police were in the room the Y/N showed up

"Hello are you the mother and farther of Kim Taehyung?" The police asked and they both nodded "You're both under arrest for child abuse, don't say a word  or longer sentence." The police said and they both got arrested and walked out

"Wow... Hi tae how are you?" Y/N says 
"I'm fine."
"i got some Panda express,coke, clothes ect" Y/n says getting the stuff out
"You didnt have to" Taehyung says sitting up it hurt him a bit at first 
"It's fine. Jin will be here soon...Hopefully"

1 hour later Jin arrived

"Hey.. sorry" He said with red eyes and a bag " I got you some stuff" Jin says 
"Are you okay hyung...?" Taehyung asked and Jin wiped his eyes
"Yeah just... Hayfeaver." Jin said not wanting to worry Tae
"In March?" Taehyung said and jin just nodded then 2 women walked in

"Hi are you Taehyung?" The woman asked and Taehyung nodded
"Hi, my name is Kim, I am your social worker and this is Yeojin she is just my daughter " She says and he nods 
"Hi miss I don't think Taehyung would need a social worker right now hes already got somewhere to stay when he is healed. He wont be staying with a stranger" Jungkook says and Kim gets confused
"Who will he stay with then?" She asked really confused

"My parent I will talk to you outside okay?" Jungkook says and she nods and they walk out

shortly later Crystal and Yoongi come in

1 year later Y/N started catching feelings for Jin but she never thought to confess because she thinks Jin wouldnt be into someone like her so she decided to stay away from confessing Yoongi and Crystal found out, so Crystal and Yoongi are helping her out

(wow they in 2022 before us yall)

"Y/N i got you something~!" Jin said smiling with a bag
"Really?" Y/N said happily
"Yeah open it!!" Jin said and she opened it
"You got me the (the album you like) for me?!?!" She said in shock
"Yeah I hope you like it..!" Jin said nervously 
"Jinnie i love it" Y/N says getting up hugging Jin

then crystal comes down

"Hi i found this company called hybe, they used to be called bighit and they're looking for singers,songwriters,producers,rappers,models,actors." Crystal says and Jin and Y/N stare at her "What?" she asks
"Go for it bitch" Jin says
"Oh. i wasnt planning on going for it because i am not talented, i was thinking Y/n could switch there i aint going." Crystal says
"You're good at things"
"Oh no im not i forgot his name even confirmed that i am not good."

"Ignore that asshole. urgh he annoys me" Y/N says and Yoongi walks in but crystal doesn't notice
"Well. I did say to myself a few months back that i wasn't doing anything with music anymore cause i got put down on it."
"Well you should do it" Jungkook says appearing
"Well.. Maybe you and Yoongi could go there become what you guys want to be because i heard that people there can be idols and write lyrics" Y/N says
"I dunno i-" Crystal was cut off when someone walks in saying

"Hell yeah im going!" Yoongi says and gets hyped
"Anyways change of subject who wants to go to see taehyungs parents with me and him?" Jungkook asks
"Me" Y/N, crystal and Yoongi say at the same time and jungkook nods
"Thanks guys love you too" Jin says and rolls his eyes but ends up going with them


Taehyung sits down in front of them and sighs

"Hello." Taehyung says and looks at his parents
"How did they find out?" His mom asked im and made Taehyung jump so Jungkook sat next to him
"I-I told jungkook..and he told the nurse.." Taehyung said and his parents get angry
"Well look at us now brat!" His dad says trying to touch him but jungkook stops him
"Don't touch him." Jungkook said and His dad rolled his eyes

"W-what is your punishments then.?" Taehyung asked
"Death in america." His mom said
"H-Huh for?"
"You know the friends you had in primary?" His mom asked and Taehyung nodded, but the others didnt like where this was going.
"We killed them and their parents and other people." His dad said and Taehyung stood up and slowly walked away tearing up
"Make sure you sleep with one eye open son." His dad says and laughs then jungkook grabbed tae (not in a agressive way) out

im gonna cringe at this next bit but whatever

"Tae baby..i'm sorry.." Jungkook said and hugged taehyung whilst he cried


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