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"I dare you to kiss the person you have a crush on." Y/N says and Smiles at Jin 
"K" Yoongi says and goes to his room grabs something and comes back and sits down with his laptop and kisses it "There"
"No as in human crush dumbass" Y/N says and Yoongi sighs then stands up walking out the room with Y/N and Jin following

Room 7

Y/N and Jin were shocked and they just trusted the process 

they stayed there for a min until then heard someone open the door

"Hey guys can i help you?" Crystal asked with her head hanging out
"Can you open the door wider?"Yoongi asked and crystals eyes widened
"O-Oh no no no I can't.."Crystal says

As she was wearing this

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As she was wearing this

After some time of yoongi begging

"Fine don't judge what I'm wearing though..."Crystal comes out and yoongis eyes widened after a few seconds he went closer to her

"Yoongi what are you doin-" she was cut off by Yoongi kissing her

"OH MY GOD " Y.n and Jin screamed and Crystal and Yoongi went bright red

"It was a dare"yoongi said coldly looking at the floor
"That's adorable" jin says wiping his imaginary tears

"Shut up Jin. I'm going to bed now" Yoongi says coldly again and goes to the room

Next day it wasn't awkward between yoongi and Crystal they just acted like nothing happened

"H...Hey... uh... Where.... is this?" Yoongi says trying to speak English

English covo

"Hi we're so sorry to bother you do you know where the ****** *** is?" Crystal asked in English
"Ah yes if you go left then right then go forward it should be there!" The person said looking at Crystal what made her uncomfortable
"A-Ah thank you.."she said and they started walking there

Back to korean convo
When they speak English I'll put 💚
And when they speak Korean I will put 🇰🇷

"Are you okay Crystal?" Yoongi asked her worriedly as she hasn't spoken since yesterday but she didn't reply to him

A few mins later they got there.


"Name?" The lady asked
"All of us?"Crystal asked confused
"Yeah." The lady replied

"Uh. Lee Y/N, Kim Seokjin,Choi Crystal, Min Yoongi...."
She carried on saying them all

"Okay in you gathering lady says smiling and they go in"

A few hours later

"Come on Crystal..."Y.n says shaking her
"No I'm not going on that stage!" Crsytal says putting her head down. Y.n sighs and walks in stage

A few songs later she heard a fan yell something


'Who's Crystal?'

"Crystal? Oh she's my 2nd song producer and best friend" Y.n says through the mic

'Can we see her?'


Meanwhile backstage Crystal was holding tears back then she heard her name so she walks towards it but doenst doesn't on the stage and sees Y.n signaling her to go to her


"Come here!!" Y.n says and Crystal looks herself in the mirror and sighs walking slowly on stage


"Hi..." she says nervously

After sometime she comes off the stage as she is about to cry so she runs off near the end


Then Crystal runs to where her changing place was because they all had their own and she locked it

10 mins later

"Crystal... open the door..."

With Y.n


"So....Sorry guys... I.. Ca...Can't sp...Speak English much  can I speak Korean and it gets translated....please?"

All the fans scream yes


"I'm sorry about Crystal running off there but we have a few more songs left then day one will be finished.. hope you guys enjoy!"

After the concert Y.n fixed herself ready for the fansign event she had no time to see Crystal

"Come on...  WHERES CRYSTAL!!!"The manager yells trying to find her
"Sir... I don't know." Y.n says quietly

"SHES YOUR BEST FRIEND FIND HER NOW FAST!" The manager yells and Y.n nods going to look for her but can't find her anywhere

"Sir she's no where..." Y.n says
"I knew it was a shit idea bringing her she's too insecure."the manager says then mumbles "she's gonna get fired."

Whilst the fansign event was on

"Crystal open the fucking door now." Yoongi says trying to open it

No reply

"CRYSTAL" Yoongi yells "I can't break this fucking door so open up or I will get security to unlock it. We have no idea what you're doing in there so fucking open the door"Yoongi says and starts to cry
Then something drops and he hears a draw close then the door unlock to see Crystal with eyes like shes been crying for hours.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked still crying
"Nothing."Crystal said upset and yoongi walked in then hugged her
"Please talk to me..."yoongi says and hugs her tighter

With Y/N

"Hiii!!" Y/N said happily "Whats your name?"
"Hello, my name is Ria!" the fan says 
"Aww cute" She says


"Where is she?!" Y/N asks and the security guard shrugs his shoulders
"Useless." Y/N says and sighs going the dressing rooms and hears a voice so she walks down to where they are

"There you are!" Y/N says pissed off and Crystal stops hugging Yoongi
"Hm?" was all crystal said then she heard footsteps, it was the manager

"Where was you?!" The manager asked in a loud voice
"I-I was here.." Crystal says 
"We needed you and you knew we did!" The manager yelled
"I'm sorry.." Crystal says looking down

"how many chances do you need? When we go back to korea you're off the job." The manager says 
"No please!" Crystal raised her voice
"No I've had enough of it. You're too shy, you don't come when i need you, you cant even show me your lyrics!" He yelled 

"Give her time asshole" Yoongi says and the manager looks at her
"Shes been working with us for 2 years, it took you 6 months!" The manager says to Yoongi
"So? Try being in her shoes Minjun." Yoongi says and Minjun gets pissed off and walks away whilst walking away he yells
"Y/N Come on" and Y/N walks off leaving Yoongi and Crystal alone

"Come on Crystal lets go yours." Yoongi says and he hugs crystal


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii so next chapter will be a Crystal and Yoongi focus (please don't be mad aah) anyways i'm suprised im writing anyways i just published somethin on Youtube witch is like a backstory of how yoongi and Crystal got more closer so please watch that have a good day bye <3

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