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"I can't belive he did that!" Y/N yelled 
"Did what?" Jin asked looking away from his phone
"He took Crystal off the job!" Y/N said angrily
"What?" Jin said in anger
"That short ass prick." Y/N said throwing something

"Come with me Jinnie" Y/N says going out of the room with Jin to room 7

knock knock

Crystal opens the door

"yes?" She said
"Are you okay and wheres Yoongi?" Y/N asked woriedly
"I'm fine and Yoongi is here" Crystal says moving out the ways so they see Yoongi
"Oh. Where do you two become a thing yet you're too cute." Jin says
"We just became a thing"

"WHAT?!" Jin and Y/N yelled  then screamed
"Now its your turn" Yoongi says
"No" Y/N says "Lets go Jinnie" Y/N says and they walk off 

"Don't fuck" Yoongi yelled



a week later Crystal was getting her stuff together she heard yelling but ignored it

it was Y/N and Yoongi yelling at Minjun so Crystal tried walking past them until Y/N grabbed her

"Do you see this innocent face?" Y/N says 
"I don't have time for this your new producer is coming soon so move." Minjun says and Yoongi and Y/N got more mad

"Can i just." Crystal says and gets Y/N off her then walks off

"You replaced her already?!" Y/n asked angry
"Yeah they've been waiting for months can you move." Minjun says getting more mad

"I'm leaving then." Y/N says and Yoongi becomes supried but rolled with i
"You can't leave, you're breaking the fucking records out there!" Minjun says
"I dont care."
"I'll just let Donghyun know" Minjun says then pushing through them both

"You're in deep shit. Im going to crystal now bye" Yoongi says and leaves and Y/N goes home


"Hey Y/N did it work?"

"No Jin I said to him i'm leaving the company but now hes telling Donghyun"

"Ah shit"


30 mins later

"What do you thi... Shit hes back i gotta go"

"Oh ok bye"

"Y/N GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" Dognhyun yelled and Y/N went down

"Why?" Donghyung asked
"Because hes kicking crystal out!" Y/N said
"So? shes a fat asshole anyway and she never did anything" Donghyung said and rolled his eyes
"She isn't fat. And she tried but Minjun just didn't treat her right!" Y/N says and Donghyun says what she says in an intimidating voice
"Do i look like i give a shit? No. You're staying there if you like it or not" Donhyun says


with the others

There was just silence due to Jin worrying and Yoongi was waiting for Crystal to reply.

"Jungkook me now" Yoongi says angry 
"Whats happening.?"  Jungkook asked taking a sip of banana milk
"I'll explain on the way there, we're picking Y/N up too c'mon." Yoongi says and he goes out with jungkook following behind

When they got Y/N and got where Yoongi wanted them to go. Yoongi doesnt knock he just walks in

"Fucking bitch where are you?" Yoongi says and then he hears yelling so he runs to where its coming from

"Fat ass bitch why are you eating you just keep getting fatter and fatter!!" Ki says and slaps Crystal
"Oi" Yoongi shouts and she looks back

"Who are you now?" She asked with a discusting bitchy face
"The same person who was here 2 years ago." Yoongi said Jungkook still being confused and still drinking banana milk
"And you came with a child who is like 10?" Ki asked and looked at jungkook and he got offended

"For your information person i dont know i am 14, i'm dumb and shit but please dont guess my age like that or i swear to god" Jungkook said then sipped his banana milk

"Anyways, did you not hear what i said last time?" Yoongi said whilst crystal walked out to change into this she didnt like it but she had to wear it

"Anyways, did you not hear what i said last time?" Yoongi said whilst crystal walked out to change into this she didnt like it but she had to wear it

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"Oh what?" Ki said "Say any shit to crystal and you'd be dead" She said in an intimidating voice but yoongi didnt react
"OH NOW I KNOW WHY IM HERE. Y/N IS HERE TO WATCH AND IM HERE TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HER" Jungkook says and throws the empty bottle of banana milk and Yoongi rolls his eyes

when they kinda had a fight with crystal's mom and dad they stopped to get ice cream but crystal didnt get any but yoongi made her get some and they also stopped to get coffee yeah at home

"I just beat the shit out of-" Jungkook cut himself off to seeing Jin crying

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