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(art from @hajkji92 on twitter)

You'll know when to play the song when you reach the part.

I watched my white ceiling, but I wasn't seeing it. It wasn't white anymore. Now it dripped a red liquid that gave it that crimson color. The blood fell into my forehead, into my white hair, also tainting it red, but I didn't move. It wasn't real blood, it was in my mind, as well as my yells and screams for (Y/n). I heard my voice shouting for her, screaming and begging for her to live, tearing up my throat. But it wasn't me screaming. And I heard those people laughing at me, but I was alone in my room. 

My body shivered, but I was covered in my sheets and thick duvet. I wasn't cold or warm, but I was sweating cold. I was terrified and hopeless, but I wasn't screaming. I was quiet and crying, but I heard shouts and breaking bones. My mind was crumbling so much, showing me and letting me feel all those awful deaths, that I wasn't able to distinguish between real and fake. I wasn't able to sense anything in my room— not my bed and sheets, not what used to be a white ceiling, nor the few people that had got into my apartment a while ago and were worriedly watching me.

"What's wrong with him?" (Y/n)'s thin voice sounded, but of course, I couldn't hear. I was still shivering, tears falling down my eyes despite my face not making any sign of crying.

"He seems to be in a state of shock" another voice sounded, probably a medical ninja that had examined me "I'll report this to the Hokage so that he can send another ninja to the mission. I'll give him some sedatives for now. Depending on his state when he wakes up again we'll have him move to the hospital" the same ninja spoke. And although they injected something into my arm, I still didn't move at all nor felt it. How could I when my mind was showing me real pain and not that of a dumb injection. 

"I can stay right?" (Y/n) asked, inching closer to my unresponsive body. And had I been aware of reality I would have seen the heavy concern in her eyes. 

"Yes, there should be someone supervising him. Especially when he wakes up again. I'll tell the Hokage, don't worry" the medical ninja said before leaving. 

The door of my bedroom was closed, and silence filled it, although not in my ears of course, as I still heard the thump of (Y/n)'s dismembered body falling over the mud and blood. She sat next to me, on my bed, and her hand laid on my cheek, caressing it and taking some tears away with her thumb. But even then, my body was still almost vegetative. 

"What happened?" her thin voice sounded again, almost breaking at seeing me. 

Soon more tears replaced the ones she had dried, and she stood up, only to sit back down with a small towel to dry my tears and slight sweat. Luckily, the sedative was kicking in quickly and soon my lids started to close more and more. But obviously, it didn't make the delusions stop. 

"Kakashi..." her voice broke again and her hand gripped tightly on mine while I fell into a deep slumber. 

"What could have caused it?" a familiar female voice asked. But I could only hear it as a distant sound, as again, I was too focused on my nightmare. A nightmare based on reality. 

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