The Gate (Part 3)

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*Hi! Just a quick message to whoever needs it. This chapter does have a needle in it, so those of you who are more sensitive to that kind of stuff (like me) I have the beginning and ending of that part bolded so just don't read in between the two bolded lines. It's not that long of a section but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. Okay, that's all! Enjoy the chapter!*

Lucas listened as more crashing came from the kitchen of the Byers household. He watched as Steve wrapped the dead demo-dog in a blanket and carried it to the kitchen. Lucas didn't know a lot of things about what was going on but he knew he didn't want to know what Dustin and Steve were up to.

He sighed and shook his head as he started to hear the two argue about who knows what. He turned back to his job which was cleaning up the broken glass the demo-dog caused when El threw him through the window.

He looked up as he swept the glass into the dust to see Mike still pacing like he had been doing since the girls left.

"Mike, would you just stop already?" He sighed.

"You weren't in there, okay, Lucas?" Mike snapped. "That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs."

"Demo-dogs!" Dustin called from the kitchen.

"Nikki and Hopper will take care of her," Lucas shrugged, trying to ignore his own nerves.

"Like she needs protection," Max muttered under her breath.

"Yeah, a guy with a gun that doesn't harm them and a girl who gets tired after using her powers once," Mike argued with Lucas. "Thanks. I feel better now."

"Nikki said it herself, she's gotten stronger," Lucas defended Nikki.

"Oh please!" Mike scoffed. "Like she has gotten strong enough to take on hundreds of those dogs when she needed help defeating one Demogorgon last year. She'll need help again!"

"Alright, alright!" Steve stepped in trying to stop the fight before it got worse. He turned to Mike. "Listen, dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it. Alright?"

"Okay, first of all," Mike rolled his eyes, "this isn't some stupid sports game. And second, we're not even in the game. We're on the bench."

"So my point is.." Steve nodded, trying to come up with something good to say. "Right, yeah, we're on the bench, so, uh, there's nothing we can do."

"That's not entirely true," Dustin spoke up, gaining everyone's attention. "I mean, these Demo-dogs, they have a hive mind. When they ran away from the bus, they were called away."

"If we get their attention..." Lucas jumped up at the idea of being able to help Nikki with her work load.

"Maybe we can draw them from the lab," Max finished Lucas's thought.

"Clear a path to the gate," Mike's eyes widened as their plan started to form.

"Yeah, and then we all die," Steve said, trying to be realistic.

"That's one point of view," Dustin shrugged looking at Steve.

"No, that's not a point of view, man. That's a fact." Steve explained as an idea came to Mike and he pushed through Dustin and Steve.

"I got it!" Mike said going to the drawing of where Hopper disappeared. "This is where the chief dug his hole," Mike explained to the group gathering around him. "This is our way into the tunnel."

He moved to another part of the map where a big area was drawn. "Here, right here. This is like a hub. So you got all the tunnels feeding in here. Maybe if we set this on fire-"

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