Side Story (Part 4)

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Akaashi's pov

It can't must be a lie. It better be a lie.

Memories of me and Bokuto being together flooded my mind. Him with another person..has he forgotten about me?

I don't know what came over me.
I suddenly grabbed my phone and called Bokuto. The phone was ringing but he didn't answer. I tried again. And again. And again...but nothing. He just didn't answer. "It's the weekend damn it...he can't be busy" I say out loud.

Just when I was about to put my phone down, I get a call. It was from Bokuto...

I quickly answer it.

"Hello? Akaashi? Is this you?"

I hear the annoying voice that I love so much on the other side of the phone..if only I could hear it right next to me.

"Bokuto...yes it's me.." I respond.

"Hey Hey, it's been awhile huh? Why did you call me so much, I was practicing volleyball. Haha."

Hearing him laugh made my heart melt a bit..

"Ah..sorry Bokuto. I just... it's been awhile so...I wanted to call."

I lied obviously..I was gonna ask him if he was dating someone but. I couldn't do it. Not when he stopped practicing just to call me back.

"You know..part of me wants to come see you again. I have someone you have to meet! haha!" Bokuto says.

"Someone? Who?"

"Just a friend of mine! Or if you don't want to meet anyone, I could just come over to visit."

"I-Id like that...the second option I mean."
I responded quickly.

"Cool, I'll come over later, I gotta go now. Bye Akaashi!"

Before I could say bye back he hung up.

It feels nice to know that he never forgot me..but...who is this someone..


A/N: Sorry I had to go to colorguard camp for three days so I couldn't update and for the fourth day I rested cause I was really sore, I hope you understand love y'all (・ω・)つ⊂(・ω・)

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