Gomen Tsuki-

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3rd pov
A guy named Kuroo goes near his friend just to wake him up. "Kenma! Get up!" He says loudly. The boy named Kenma gets up while rubbing his eyes. "I'm up Kuroo jeez..." Kenma stands up to get dressed.

"I'm gonna wait for you, Okay Kenma?" Kuroo says outside the door. "Yeah yeah whatever..." Kenma says while yawning.

After Kenma got dressed the two friends started walking towards the gym. Kenma hangs on to Kuroo's jacket because he's walking while he's on his phone.

When they get to there destination, the gym, they walk in and then someone yells... "Gomen Tsuki!-" Kuroo smiled when he heard the name Tsukii and he laughed when he heard Bokuto yelling at him. Kenma looked over at Kuroo but didn't think much of it.

Kenma's pov

They all play practice matches and they soon take a break.The guy named Yamaguchi sits near Tsukishima, while I just sit and Kuroo sits next to me.  "Hey Kenma can I ask you something?" I just look at him and nod. "Do you think Tsukishima would like me?"

My eyes widen. "What kind of 'like' are we talking about." I say. Before Kuroo could answer Bokuto comes over and leans on Kuroo's shoulder " Hey Bro! That kid Yamaguchi has some talent with his serve. Don't you think! I think Tsukibro is impressed with him."

Kuroo laughs but I can see the annoyance in his eyes...

Damn it I need an answer... my heart throbs when i think about Kuroo dating someone else... because... I love him... in a way...

Kuroo stands up and tells Tsukishima to follow him. I hope it's not what I think it is.

Kuroo and Tsukishima soon comes back all flustered and they both sit where they were awhile ago. "So what happend...?" I say trying not to pry.

"O-oh... um... I have a date today..."

Those words echoed in slow motion in my head. It feels like my heart is in my stomach. "I-Im sorry I have to use the bathroom Kuroo..." I leave but I also see Yamaguchi stand up and run to the bathroom as well.

I sit in the stall and start to rant in my head to calm down. But in the next stall over I can hear someone crying and saying... "T-Tsuki... I thought... you knew..."

That has to be Yamaguchi. I exit out of my stall and he does the same. I motion him to follow me so we can talk together.

We go to the dormitories and we sit down. I can tell Yamaguchi is about to cry. "Hey... it's okay let it out... scream to the top of your lungs to feel better..." I start to cry at the thought of this as well... and he also starts to cry in a load of tears.


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