Where are they?

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Thank you for reading and waiting I've been tired lately and I went through sleep paralysis so it spooked me. ^^; anyway! Enjoy reading 💖🏐

3rd pov

"I'm sorry Kid but if you want us to find your teammates your gonna have to calm down" the poilice officer at the desk says.

Everyone there,
Daichi, Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Ushijima, Lev (who didn't know why he was here), kageyama, Tsukishima, Akaashi, Ennoshita, Asahi, all yelled in unison "Calm down!?!"

"Listen there are stupid 1st years out there!" Daichi says. "And an irresponsible 3rd year." Akaashi chimes in. "And loud 2nd years!" Asahi and Ennoshita says. "A walking trashcan is out there as well..."(trashykawa) Iwaizumi says. "A kid with knifes as well." Kuroo says. "Wait but how did Suga and Yaku get there...?" Akaashi finally says.

The whole room went silent for a few second. "They let them do this." Tsukishima says.

"Damn it! If y'all aren't gonna help then I'll find them myself." Daichi says while walking out the door. "Kuroo were using your car." Daichi says. "Alright then. Some people hop in the trunk we have to pack in here." Kuroo says while starting the car.

They drive off to the park to see if there there. Kuroo parks and they all get out.

"Why does the forest look so scary at night..." Lev says while clinging on to Kuroo. "Let go of me!"

Kageyama walks around calling hinata's name(cough Boke cough) and looks on the ground and finds Hinata's phone chain on the ground.

"Oi guys! I found something!" As he shows everyone the phone chain.

"Wow you found something...good job king" Tsukishima says while rolling his eyes.

"Shut up and let me finish. This is Boke's phone chain. All of them must have went into the woods" Kageyama says while putting the chain in his pocket. "Wow for once you can use your head" Tsukishima says already walking towards the woods.

"Wait Tsukishima! We need a partner to go with." Daichi says. "Who's gonna choose the partners" Tsukishima says back.

They all look at eachother before looking straight at Akaashi. "Me?" Akaashi says while still fidgeting with his fingers. "Well.....Me with Tsukishima, Kuroo with Lev, Daichi with Kageyama, Ennoshita with Asahi, and Iwaizumi with Ushijima." Akaashi says.

They all walk in the woods standing by there buddy's. That's when they hear screaming out of no where. "Guys are you here" Kuroo says then a second later gets a call from a random number. He answers.

Kuroo's pov

"K-Kuroo? I kinda left my phone at the dorm...." It was Kenma I felt so relived to hear his voice I also hear someone else crying in the background they sound out of breath like they were running from something.. "Who is that" Kuroo asks. "O-Oh...that's Hinata crying for Kageyama...."  Kenma responds.

"Is yamaguchi with you?..." Tsuki says. "N-No I think he took a wrong turn. From the looks of it he's with Oikawa and Tendou..." Kenma says. So from the looks of it we have to split into different groups. We were already halfway in the woods.

"Okay so anyone has Nishinoya's number to see where he is." Daichi says while already calling Suga. Asahi grabs his phone out and calls Nishinoya. But his phone doesn't ring. "Dang his phone must be dead" Asahi says. "Suga!" Daichi yells at his phone. "U-Uh.... you have the wrong number." he says. "Suga stop playing were here to find you. Who else is with you." "Well it was Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Bokuto but there at another place now. So it's just me and Yaku." "Yaku! Your there?! Thank god!" Lev says.

Just then we all hear someone screaming from the distance. "Iwa-Chaaaan! Where are you!" "SHITTYKAWA!!" Iwaizumi yells almost busting everyone's ear drums.

"You guys yell again. I think were all near you....." Kenma says.

"Yeah yell again...." Suga chimes in.

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