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Yamaguchi's pov

I'm so tired... the game yesterday wore me out. At least I got a serve that made it over the net.

I go into the living room and turn on the TV to watch some YouTube. Just then Tsuki comes out the bathroom drying his hair. He sits next to me on the couch.

"O-Oh Tsuki? You wanna watch something on the TV?" I say trying to hand him the remote.  He just shakes his head and watches what I'm watching, which is Minecraft gameplays.(Don't laugh at meee!)

We sit there and watch for a few minutes untill Tsuki breaks the silence with a question. "Tadashi....I never got to say this but.... I need to apologize...."

I sit there confused cause I don't remember what he needs to apologize for.

"W-What for Tsuki?"

"For talking out of turn to you...like telling you to bud out of me and Kuroo's relationship...even though our relationship is.... kinda failing..." Tsuki says turining the other way.

"What do you mean by failing?...." I ask trying not to sound like I'm prying.

"Forget it.... just.... I'm sorry that I said that too you okay...." Tsuki says clearly  embarrassed. I laugh and he just glares at me while putting his hand on his face.

Without realizing we both ended up sleeping on both each end of the couch sprawled all over it.

"Ugh.... morning already?" I say while rubbing my eyes.

I open my eyes to me laying on the opposite side of the couch. Tsuki must have moved to his room.

Just then I see Tsuki come out of his room. He looks like he's going outside.

"Tsuki? Where are you going." I say getting off the couch.

"My neck and back hurts from accidentally falling asleep from the couch. So I'm I'm gonna go for a walk." Tsuki says while rubbing his neck.

"Oh... well be carful..." I say while heading to my room. I get dressed into something good and sit down on my bed. "Hey Tadashi? You wanna come with? Take it as an apology thing..." Tsuki says.

I nod and we both head towards the front door.

We walk down the stairs then outside.  "Where are we going Tsuki?" I ask looking up at him.

"Just going for a walk... but we can stop at a coffee shop if you want." Tsuki says while stopping under a tree.

"Sure!" I say while smiling at him. Why does he look so beautiful in the sun? Gah! What am I thinking! Get these thoughts out your mind!

Just then Tsuki makes a sharp turn to the right, into the coffee shop. I follow right behind him untill I notice Kenma outside surprisingly setting the ball to someone in the park. I look closer to who he's setting to and it's Kuroo. I laugh cause I can see Kenma whine from far away.

Tsuki gets his coffee and we both head out. We head towards the park... wait...THE PARK?! "T-Tsuki! Umm are we perhaps going to the park?" I say in a panic.

"Yeah why?...."

'I shouldn't be panicing, calm down Tadashi...'

I say in my head to reassure myself. "Well how about we head towards the volleyball net over there Tsuki! I think I saw some people we know!!" I say running towards the net.

"Urasai Yamaguchi.... Wait!"
Tsuki says while running after me.

I make it to the net and I was right Kuroo and Kenma are here. With two other people from Nekoma. One of them are tall and he has gray hair. I think he's dead. And the other just kicked the gray haired guy, he's short.

Oh that must be those guys named Lev and Yaku!

I wonder what there doing at the public net?....


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