Tis But A Scratch

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Trigger Warnings: Blood, Violence, Attempted Murder, Hospital Setting

Today I offer you more Parental Matchablossom

Miya wrapped his arm around his stomach, trying to put the pressure on his wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding, his entire body ached, threatening to give out from under him as more blood left his body. He knew he wasn't going to be found, he was laying in an alleyway, far away from the main street and it was nearing the early hours of the morning. Coughing up blood, Miya curled up under a light, his hoodie giving him some slight warmth, he started to give up, figuring it would be more peaceful to die now than trying to fight for longer and dying anyway.

He closed his eyes, putting his head against the dirty brick wall beside him. He could hear cars driving down the streets, too far away for him to get help, but so close it seemed stupid to die right there, but he had already made up his mind and his mind was starting to feel fuzzy, letting go of the pain in his body. It was nice, surprisingly peaceful and only a bit messy. This is okay.

Kojiro pulled Kaoru down the market street. He promised his boyfriend some of his favorite tea if he helped him shop for food for his restaurant. Kaoru was not a morning person and being dragged out of the warmth of his bed at seven in the morning was disgraceful and unforgivable. Kojiro disagreed. The two walked in silence, Kaoru keeping a distance from Kojiro, not wanting any of the kids, seeing them together, and god forbid if they saw Kaoru being affectionate towards his own boyfriend. He also didn't feel like being grabbed and dragged towards yet another stall because something caught Kojiro's eye. Kojiro was holding two bags in his hand, filled with food for both the restaurant and the meal he was planning on cooking for their date night.

"Kaoru, do you want steak or- Kaoru?" Kojiro looked for Kaoru who had seemed to disappear into the crowd, he sighed, knowing he'd lose Kaoru eventually. But he managed to spot Kaoru before he was about to search through the crowd and roam aimlessly until he found him. Kaoru was standing at the opening of an alleyway, looking.. more like staring at something on the floor. Kojiro made his way over to Kaoru, now curious about what caught his attention.

Kaoru picked up a skateboard looking back at Kojiro who had joined him. Kojiro immediately knew why Kaoru looked so worried, the skateboard he was holding had the familiar purple X on the deck and cartoon figures underneath. It was Miya's board, the same board he went everywhere with, he was rarely seen without it unless he was in school.

"It's Miya's board," Kaoru whispered, pointing out the obvious. Kojiro nodded in agreement, trying to think of a rational explanation why his board was there, without Miya.

"Maybe he's around here, it could've rolled away when he fell or something-" Kojiro started, but it didn't sound right. Miya didn't fall, and when he did, got back up straight away and ran after his board, even if he had cut his leg up, or his arm was clearly broken. Kaoru was already ahead of him, walking down the alleyway, looking for Miya, he turned a corner and even from where he was stood, Kojiro could hear an audible gasp followed by a small what the fuck.

Kojiro ran to where Kaoru was standing, the board he was holding fell to the floor and laying next to his feet, Kojiro looked down the alley and saw a figure curled up under a light which illuminated the green hoodie. The figure was facing away but it didn't take a genius to figure out that they weren't sleeping. The two adults ran to Miya, crouching down next to him.

Kaoru was the first to reach out, pulling Miya so his back was against the wall so they could see the damage. They thought being knocked out from hitting his head would be the worst case scenario, so they definitely weren't expecting the state of the young teen. Kaoru brushed hair from Miya's face, showing his split lip which had quickly dried, under his eye was turning a deep shade of blue and purple and a cut ran from his upper cheek close to his hairline to the corner of his mouth which was still bleeding. Although that wasn't what concerned Kaoru the most, Miya still had his hand over his stomach but when he was moved, it fell to his side, revealing the excessive amount of blood covering his hoodie and forming a pool from under him.

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