Chapter 16

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Instead of looking through all the rooms I instead went straight to the one me and Jerome were staying in. I sit there, waiting for Jerome to come in, but after a while, I fall asleep on the bed.

Jerome's pov:
I walked into the room and there they were, fast asleep, on the bed. The only bed in the room, the only place someone could sleep. It seemed that Galavan had forgotten to mention that we would have to share a bed. I carefully get into the bed, ensuring I take up as little space as possible, not wanting to get too close to Ash while they were sleeping. I eventually managed to fall asleep as well.

Ash's pov:

I woke up and was about to get up when I realised that someone had their arms around me. I turned around to find Jerome, fast asleep, hugging me. I couldn't help but smile at him, he looked so peaceful, so calm. I carefully moved his arms so I could get out, then went to have a shower in the ensuite bathroom. After the shower, I found a pair of scissors in the drawers and cut my hair shorter, I hated it being long. I quickly got dressed then went to look for Theo Galavan, I had to see what he was planning.

After wandering around for what felt like hours and still not being able to find him, I walked back to my room, where Jerome was still fast asleep. I sat down on the floor beside the bed for a few minutes, waiting for Jerome to wake up, and fell asleep once again. Although, it wasn't long before I was woken up again by Jerome, who was leaning by a wall, holding his foot and loudly cursing.

"Let me guess, you stubbed your toe on the door?" I ask, almost laughing.

"What does it look like? Anyway, sorry if I woke you, I didn't mean to swear loudly, but the door decided to murder my foot so I couldn't complain about it quietly either." He says, pouting slightly. I sigh as I stand up.

"You always did act like a child..." I say and walk out of the room. I could hear him complaining from behind me, but I didn't care. I had to make sure that Galavan's plan for this group was the same as what happened in the dream I had, and I had to make sure soon otherwise Jerome would... I couldn't think about that now, I had to think of a way to save him. I could warn him, but he probably wouldn't listen and even if he did believe that Theo was going to kill him, he would most likely believe that he could stop it from happening by himself. I couldn't help but think about Jeremiah, I wonder what he was doing. I walk into the room that we were in when Galavan first took all 5 of us. He was in there, staring out the window.

"Hello, Theo Galavan, sir. I was just wondering, what is the plan for what you're going to do with the psychopaths that you broke out of jail?" I ask, he turns to face me.

"You will see, why are you so curious about it?"

"I just want to know what we're going to be doing, anyway, would it be ok if I went out somewhere?"

"Yes, I guess, since you aren't part of the list of those who had broken out on the news, I'm guessing no one would even notice you."

"Ok, thanks, I'll be back soon," I say and walk out of the door. If the dream was accurate, then Jeremiah lived half an hour away from here, in an underground labyrinth. I could still remember the way through so all I had to do was get over there. I ran through the streets of Gotham, expecting one of Hugo Strange's allies to grab me from behind at any moment, but no one even looked at me, I was just a normal 18 year old, running to anywhere. I was free. I ran out of Gotham and into the woods, heading straight for that stone structure that had been within my dream. I saw it, the small cube encased in grey, it was here. I ran over to it and looked up at the camera that was on the wall, waving into it. The speaker underneath crackled to life. 

"Who are you and why are you here?" The voice from the speaker was slightly distorted so I was unable to tell if it was Jeremiah or not.

"I'm Ash and I'm here to see Jeremiah Valeska, I used to know him, I met him at a circus."
The person was silent for a moment.

"There's no one here called that."

"What do you mean, I know he lives here, he lives in an underground labyrinth that's right underneath here."

"I don't know how you know all that but no one here is called Jeremiah." I thought back to the dream for a moment, he had another name, one that he used to hide his identity, what was it?

"I'm here to see Xander Wilde," I say, looking up into the camera.

"And why do you want to see him?"

"I want to talk to him"
The speaker crackled again as it was turned off. There was a light click and the door slowly swung open. I walked in and instantly walked through the maze, copying every twist and turn that I had made in the dream. I quickly made it to his house and walked inside, heading for his office. I carefully opened the door.

"How do you know your way around here so well, I haven't shown you through the maze before, you haven't even been here before so how..." He looked into my eyes. It was Jeremiah, it was him.

"I don't know how I'd even explain it to you, it's difficult to understand..."

"How do you know Jeremiah?"

"As I said, I met him and his brother at a circus ages ago. I've recently been reunited with his brother and was wondering how he was doing."

"So what did y-you want to talk about?" Xander asked. I instantly took note of his stutter, he was nervous. Maybe he thought Jerome knew where he was.

"I want to talk about why you're hiding Jer, you and I both know that Jerome only went down this path because we both abandoned him. And don't try telling me you don't know who Jeremiah Valeska is, I already know who you are"

"So, you're saying if I had stayed, he wouldn't have murdered my mother?"

"Do you even know what she did to him after you left? You turned everyone against Jerome, she didn't even care about him anymore. She would hurt him all the time, Jer, so of course, he killed her in the end, anyone would have!"

The Freaks Of Gotham (Jeremiah Valeska x OC x Jerome Valeska) (Gotham Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now