everyone 1.0

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sage's pov

I woke up, slowly raising from my bed with a loud sigh. The big house that surrounded me was silent, and I quickly headed towards my on suite, knowing I had college in a good two hours from now.

My phone began going off as I saw it was a phone call from my Dad. "Hi Dad." I yawn, as I heard a laugh from the other side of the line. "Why am I receiving such a privileged phone call from my Daddy Dearest?" I question him.

"Aw, come on, Sage." He sighs sadly, "Why are you like this with me?"

"Maybe because you're a dick." I quickly hung up the phone as I let out a sigh. "Prick, dick, cunt, ass-wipe, ass-hole, dip-shit..." I began to whispers as I held a towel around my chest.

"Shut the fuck up!" I heard the familiar voice of my older brother, Alexander. I rolled my eyes and let the towel drop as I step into the shower.


Time flew by before I was receiving a lift from Alexander. We arrive outside of Roundview College and he glares at the dump as he stops abruptly. "I hated this shit show, so you'll most likely to hate it too."

"Your standards are just too high, Alex." My dark eyes met his, "That's why you go for rich girls, huh?" I mumbled, opening the car door and slamming it shut behind myself before I got any commentary from him.

I walk off towards the college, and widens my eyes at the amount of blondes there was. I looked into the crowd,  but didn't show much attention... but I couldn't believe my eyes.

Katie Fitch stood their talking about her current boyfriend of the week. I saw Emily, and gave her a quick wave. "God, am I glad to see a decent familiar face." Emily, Katie and I had went to the same High School. I smirk as I walked towards the awkward girl. "I would've assumed you both went to seperate college's, since you had been stuck together throughout school."

"I don't mind." She shrugs shyly. A voice quickly took our attention off one another, and onto Katie who was shouting for Emily.

"Christ's sake, Ems." Katie shouts to her sister. Katie scrunched her nose up at me, as she never seemed to like me. "Come on, you loser!" Katie walks off, and Emily gives me a quick wave before wandering off. I look at the crowd following after the two redheads and I make eye contact with a familiar brunette with piercing blue eyes. Elizabeth, more known as Effy. She stood with her close friend, Pandora who I had only met once at a rave.

She nods towards me, showing me some sort of respect, and I nodded back at her. "Haven't seen you in a good year or two ever since that one party." I walk towards her, I'd known Effy through her older brother, Tony. We'll discuss Tony later. "How is he?"

"He's fine. He's still dating Michelle." Effy said plainly, like she normally would. "It's good to see you."

"I bet that boring private school was shit." I smirked, as all three of us walk into the College.


I smiled up at Emily as I sat down beside Effy, and Pandora sat on Effy's other side. I turned around to admire the new, and old faces to see if I knew anyone. I met a pair of eyes, they were blue and they were looking down at me. I narrowed my eyes, and he laughs out-loud. He looked like a riot. I stare at the other two boys who sat beside him. I stopped on the dark haired boy who had his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth as he stared down at the three of us. I smirk at him, before turning away abruptly. I feel my cheeks heat up, knowing his eyes were still on me. He was rather beautiful, but he looked a little full of himself with that stare.

Music started blaring from speakers that were spread across the hall. I turn my head towards Effy and Pandora. Pandora was too busy nodding her head to notice the dissatisfaction in both Effy and I's faces. "I can already tell this year is going to be fucking tragic." I smirk, making Effy stare at me with a curious look.

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