pandora 2.0

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sage's pov

We were all making our way to Pandora's, and that included Katie after her make-out session with Danny. "Cool! Mum's done the signal." Pandora runs towards a house that had pink balloons reading 'Pandora' out the front. "So everyone knows where my party is."

"How many people did you invite?" Katie scrunched up her nose in confusion.

"Um. Five. You, Eff, Sage, Emily, and Naomi." Pandora smiled at Katie, but Katie wasn't a happy bunny, especially after hearing the last name.

"Naomi? Why did you invite her?" Katie's smile turned upside down with a big frown displayed on her face.

"Emily says I have to or she won't come." Pandora nods confidently. Katie gave both Effy and I an annoyed stare.

"Aw. Sweet." Effy nods sarcastically.

"I don't understand why you dislike her, Katie." I shook my head, and began walking towards Pandora.

"Come on. We can do brownies and then lick our bowls out." Pandora ran towards the front door of her house.

"Do you think she knows she sounds filthy half the time?" I could hear Katie ask from behind me.

"Sometimes I wonder." Effy had her arms crossed, quickly catching up to Pandora and I.

"Mum!" Pandora yelled as we got into the living room. We heard a loud crash in the kitchen.

"Blastification!" I heard a voice from the kitchen. "Drat! Drat! Fiddlesticks!" Pandora's mum cursed. "Panda, we have spoken about shouting like a goat in the house." Her mum finally walks out. She had flour all down herself, and on her face. She stops as stares at us all.

"Sorry. Look, Mum. Friends!" Pandora points at us all. Her mum came close to us.

"Still shouting, Panda. Calm time, please." They inhaled and exhaled in sync with one another.

"I'm calm." Pandora repeated three times while we all stared at them in concern. "So... this is Effy." Pandora smiles at Effy.

"Effy! We meet at last." Pandora's mum laughed.

"Yes." Effy gave her a quick response, along with a quick smile.

"Pandora had told me so much about you." Her mum nodded, and Effy looked at Pandora with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know, Eff, your missionary work." Pandora gave Effy pleading eyes, and I smirk. I knew Effy was going to play along... I just found it funny to how oblivious Pandora really was.

"Yes, I try and do as much of that as I can." Effy gave Pandora's mum a fake smile, but it was convincing enough.

"That's good. There's so many bad things in the world." She began making a list, "Boys, and drugs, guns, alcohol." She nodded at us all "Boys. Evil things." She sighs, and I smirk. "I'm glad Pandora's found a channel she can pour her energy into."

Effy laughed, "Well, yes, all the seamen like her." Pandora's mum's face drops, and I held back the laughter that was going to erupt any second now.

"Seamen?" She looked to me and Katie and reassurance.

"Oh, yes. Loads of seamen. Some of them are homeless as well." Effy gave a sad, and sympathetic look. Katie and I nodded along confidently. "We'd all love to see Pandora get her own missionary position."

Pandora's mum looked between us all, "Right..." She looked to Pandora. "Lovely. And this is?"

"Um, Katie." Katie smiled confidently. She took her hand and gave it a good shake.

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