Chapter Two

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Two hours later, I'm one beer in and all dolled up. I feel like Livi's TLC project. She's twisted my long, dirty blonde hair into loose waves. She put more makeup on my face than I'd usually wear, finished with red lipstick that I instantly wiped off and was left with only a hint of.

Then, she put me into ripped jeans and an off-the-shoulder black top with a red bralette. I convinced her to let me wear my red vans instead of the red pumps she said I'd look drop-dead in.

Now, we're in an Uber heading to the bar. It's just after eight and according to Livi, nothing fun happens until nine. As we pull up and get out, tons of people are swarming the streets. I'm not used to this scene. I like to hang back and keep to myself, so being in a crowd of people is a bit overwhelming. The downtown buildings reach to the sky and standing on the street looking up, Atlanta could probably pass for NYC at first glance.

Inside the bar, pool tables line one wall, high-top tables are in the middle and a DJ booth is in the corner. A darkened stage is at the very back of the bar, with a small dance floor in front of it.

Livi orders us tequila shots at the bar, then drags me over to a table full of people. I'm acquainted with a few of them, but most I don't know. My social anxiety is starting to kick in, along with a bit of guilt, because I told Trey I was going to bed early since he didn't come down.

We cheers and I down my shot, hoping the alcohol will soak up the last of my worries. I've never been drunk, but I've had a buzz before. When I was buzzed, I was a social butterfly. I need that same energy right now. Less shy, means less awkward, means less uncomfortable. It's a cycle.

Another round gets ordered and conversation with the strangers flows more easily than I anticipated. Turns out, almost all of them go to our school, and a few I even recognized from prior classes once I got a good look.

We all turn our attention as the singer for the evening takes the stage. A guy, maybe a little older than me, walks out. He's tall and lean, but looks like he could hold his own in a fight. Tattoos cover his arms, all spread out in more of a random sequence of pictures rather than sleeves. One arm is completely inked, the other only partially. I also see tattoos peeking out of the collar of his gray, short sleeved button up. He looks badass, so when he starts to sing, I'm a little shocked at the velvet voice coming from him.

He sounds older than he looks when his gravelly voice hits the microphone. It's deep and rugged, like years of pain are behind it. He sings effortlessly, hitting every note and chord simultaneously. Given his look, I was expecting punk or even scream-o. This is alternative rock, with an indie sound. I really like it.

"He's hot." Livi holds her mouth open, watching as he rakes a hand through his tousled brown, almost-black hair. It's not clean-cut, but the style works for his aesthetic. It's pushed back, but some has come to hang close to his eyes and the rest just barely touches the top of his collar.

I agree with Livi. He is attractive. With sharp facial features and piercing eyes that look out into the crowd, but not directly at anything. When the first song ends, he nods his head and smiles. It's a megawatt, almost boy-like, smile that makes him look friendlier than the rest of his appearance.

Looking around, it seems every other girl in the bar has their eyes glued on him, too.

I lose myself in the music, swaying my hips and twirling with Livi. We down another shot, then I start sipping on a house margarita. My body starts to tingle, my chest gets warm and fuzzy, and maybe it's only because of the alcohol, but I'm actually having a good time.

I feel more carefree right now than I have in a while. The atmosphere is great. It seems everyone is calm and relaxing after a long week. I expected a wild, loud party. But this is fun. I don't know why Trey is so adamant I miss out on stuff like this.

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