Chapter Nineteen

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Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'm packing to spend it with Josie's family. Rylie is spending hers with the Rossi's, and basically told me she'd punch me if I didn't accept Josie's invitation to meet her parents. She said this is a big step for us, whatever that means. I'm not taking relationship advice from my baby sister.

Josie and I have been spending every second we can together, and she's even spent the night at my apartment with me most nights this past week. Neither of us has addressed if we're a couple or not, but I assume meeting her parents means she's planning on keeping me around a while. I hope that's what it means.

After what happened a few weeks ago, Josie wasn't sure she wanted to go see her family for the holiday at all. But her aunt Sadie is coming down from New York, and Josie thinks that woman hung the moon and the stars. So, we're going.

I'm nervous to meet Josie's parents. To me, they seem like assholes who don't give a shit about their daughter. I shouldn't care if they like me or not. And even so, I still want to make a good impression.

Compared to Trey, whose parents have as much money as Josie's parents do, and who is supposed to be the guy she marries, I look like scum.

I come from nothing, I have tattoos all over my body, and I sing for a living. Granted, that path is looking more and more successful every day, I doubt Josie's family will think I'm worthy of her.

I guess I could argue that I don't think they're worthy of her either. It depends on where you're looking from. The view of money, success and notoriety. Or the view of happiness, mental stability and love.

Geez. Love? I internally fuss at myself. When did I become so fucking sappy? She's ruining me. Really.

And compared to Trey, I hope they at least know I'd never assault their daughter. I mean, for fucks sake, that should be the bare minimum. The only way I'm ever putting my hands on Josie is in the ways she asks for. Rough, gentle, somewhere in between. But never violently. That's for cowards.

I lock up my apartment and drive over to Josie's, trying to mentally prepare for whatever this weekend will hold.

If Trey is there, I'm going to have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. And if they start talking shit to Josie, I'm also going to have a hard time not putting them all in their places.

But it doesn't matter what they say. I hate that it hurts Josie, but their words have no weight.

If I'm around and have anything to do with it, I'll make sure my girl proves them all wrong.

My girl. I've been referring to her as that. In my head, at least. Not out loud. I don't want to freak her out. I never thought I was possessive. I never had someone to be possessive over, other than Rylie. But it's a different type of possessive.

I feel like I need to mark my territory or some shit. Like I want to entire world to know Josie is mine, and I don't even know if she is mine.

Fuck it. I'm going to find out.

As usual, Josie is waltzing down the stairs before I can even go up and get her. I help her throw her bags into the back, and sneak glances at her while I do.

She looks prim and proper. It's not her usual jeans and sweater. Today, her blonde hair is swept into a clean bun. She's in gray tights, a green and gray plaid skirt, and a green sweater. She looks like she's about to go to private school, not her family Thanksgiving.

Not that I'm complaining. She looks sexy in it.

I also notice a strand of pearls and matching earrings. She looks every bit the part of rich, good little daughter, and I don't know why I get the strong urge to ruin the look.

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