Chapter Three

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"What have I gotten myself into?"

"I don't know but it's badass. I'm proud of you." Livi presses the button and douses my waves in hairspray. "What did Trey say about it?"

My stomach drops, guilt mingling in with the nerves.

"I didn't tell him." I say slowly, gauging her reaction. She lifts an eyebrow, clearly waiting for more. "Look, you know he's..." I ponder the right word, settling on, "Protective. Plus, he'll say it's a waste of time. I didn't feel like arguing. It's one day of my life, and I want to have fun if I can."

"Secret keeper." She clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth three times. "Damn, maybe he's been right all these years. I take you out one time and you've turned into a wild child."

"I'm not wild!" I swat her hand away, taking the tube of mascara from her and applying it myself.

There's nothing wrong with what I'm doing. Right? I'm getting paid to sing. For one night. And I'm not lying to him. I'm simply not telling him until it's over because I don't want to argue. I sigh. Withholding information is the same as lying, and I know that.

"I think this will be good for you." Livi hops up on the bathroom counter, rummaging through her bag of lipsticks. "When we were little, you loved singing. As far as Trey goes, I get why you didn't tell him. You're allowed to do things for yourself, Josie."

"I know."

I don't know what's gotten into me. Last night, on stage, I felt alive. More alive than I have in a very long time and I want that feeling again. I want the adrenaline and the freedom. Just once more.

I exhale loudly, releasing the tension in my chest as I take in my appearance. I'm not as dolled up today, but Livi still did a great job on my hair and makeup. I'm wearing jeans and a light pink hoodie, but I have a change of clothes for the show.

I glance at my phone. Hudson should be here any minute now.

"I'm going to go downstairs and wait." I announce. "I didn't give him the apartment number because..."

"Because you're cautious. As you should be!" Livi kisses my check, beaming at me. "I have your location, text me if you need me. I'll be there for the show, okay?"

"Okay. See you later. Wish me luck."

I exit our apartment and walk down the stairs that lead me to the sidewalk. I'm only outside a few minutes before a beat up, old black pickup comes into view. Hudson pulls up right in front of me, flashing me his megawatt smile.

He looks less intense than last night, with a black jacket covering his tattoos and behind the wheel of a car that I wouldn't have pictured him in.

"Good morning."

"It's one in the afternoon." I cross my arms, a bought of anxiousness hitting me hard.

"I just woke up, so it's morning to me. You can put your stuff in the back." He gestures to my bookbag. "You having second thoughts?"

"No." I lie. "Everyone in my family knows I'm with you." Another lie. "Plus, me and my best friend share locations with each other and if I go missing, she'll hunt you down." Now, that's the truth.

"Still not a murderer." He winks at me, sending heat from my chest all the way to my cheeks. I look down, hoping he won't notice. "Come on, we don't have all day."

I take a deep breath and make my way around to the passenger's side. Here goes nothing.

Inside the cab, the scent of cologne and mint fills my nostrils. A soft rock song is playing through the speakers, and Hudson nods at me before taking off.

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