Chapter Ten

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I'm in a Halloween store with Livi. Leave it to her to procrastinate finding a costume until the very last minute. That's why at eleven AM on Halloween we're shuffling through every last scrap of leftovers in the store, trying to find anything she might like.

I don't dress up for Halloween. I'm planning on wearing my Jack-O-lantern shirt and jeans.

"Ooh! Look at this." Livi holds up two sexy-construction-worker outfits that leave little to the imagination under the neon yellow vests. "Eh, maybe not." She decides before I can even protest. "Or... Look at this one!"

A black angel costume sits next to a white one.

"We could match. Come on, would you wear this with me?"

They are the same, just opposite colors. Equip with wings, a crop top, mini skirt and halos.

It's actually kind of cute...

"Okay." I surrender. She's only been begging me to dress up with her since we were in high school. "You be the fallen angel, because, duh. I'll be the other."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just assume I'd be the fallen angel because I'm so excited. It's a deal!"

Livi scoops them both up and rushes to pay before I can change my mind.

"What time is Trey coming?"

"Around seven, I think."

"Are you going to tell him before we get there?"

She's talking about the concert. I'm performing with Hudson tonight, and Trey has no idea. I've been trying to find a good time to tell him all week, but he's been so busy, and maybe I've stalled a little.

"I've got to tell him at some point. I'm nervous."

"Don't be. You're going to be looking hot as fuck in this costume, I'm going to do your makeup and Trey will think you're amazing. It'll be fine."

The fact that Livi is having faith in Trey being excited for me, makes me even more nervous. Usually, Livi is the first to tell me the hard things I don't want to admit to myself. It's like even she, who dislikes Trey with a passion, wants this to work out for me.

I hope she's right.

A couple hours later, my stomach is swimming with the two pregame shots I took. I wanted to sneak my alcohol before Trey gets here, because he won't want me drinking tonight.

"You. Look. So. Hot."

Livi douses us both in her melon scented perfume.

"So do you." I compliment.

She and I truly do look like heaven and hell—in the best way possible. She's wearing blood red lipstick and a thick smoky eye. Meanwhile she did my makeup with shiny lip gloss, silver eyeshadow and glitter framing my cheekbones.

Trey texts me that he's here, and I breathe through the sinking feeling in my gut. Tonight will be a good night, I repeat to myself. Tonight will be a good night.

I run a hand through my straightened hair, and pull the miniskirt as low as it will go, which is still inches shorter than I usually wear my skirts.

I open the apartment door for Trey, who is wearing a tropical-style t-shirt looking like he's ready for vacation instead of Halloween.

"Wow." He takes in my costume. "You're barely covered."

I hide my annoyance, because I am covered. I'm wearing less than I'm used to, but I would still bet money I'm more covered than most girls will be there.

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