Chapter Four

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I can't deny that I've had fun today. Hudson is fun to hang around, and living the rockstar life for a day has been pretty cool.

Hudson and I make it back to the club and go our separate ways to get changed for the show. I take the time to gather my thoughts and center my breath. I'm nervous about performing in front of so many people, and this time I feel pressured. Like if Hudson doesn't get offered a record deal, it'll be partially my fault.

I slide into the black t-shirt dress Livi packed for me, internally fussing at myself for not trying it on first. It's tight on me and hugs my curves, showing off more of my figure than I'd like.

Along with my dress, I slip on high-top black Vans. Then, I flip my hair out a couple times to give it more volume.

Now, if I can manage to not trip and fall on stage, or hit a wrong note, then I'll be fine.

Tomorrow, life can go back to normal. I place my hands on my hips, examining myself in the mirror. Why does that thought make me feel uneasy?

A light tap to my dressing room door pulls me out of my thoughts, and I spin on my heel to answer it.

"Josie." Hudson is standing there, and I watch his jade eyes do a sweep over my body. Everything about him feels intense, and it's hard not to squirm under his gaze. "This is Deanna, my manager." Only now do I realize a dark haired, middle-aged woman stands beside him. "Deanna, this is Josie. She'll be on the duet with me tonight."

"Nice to meet you, Josie."

"You too." I shoot her my best smile, shaking her hand.

"Listen," Deanna claps her hands together, looking just as nervous as we do. "I'm going to go scope out the crowd and see if he's here yet. Break a leg, you two. Hudson," She places a hand on his shoulder, "You've got this, kid. I'm proud of you."

"Kid?" I tease once she's walked away. "She sounds like your mom."

"Trust me, no she doesn't."

I don't push it any more, but it makes me wonder what Hudson's family life is like.

"Ready, princess?"

"Don't call me that." I cross my arms, feeling the stab of nerves hitting my chest. I follow him into the wings, suddenly walking like I've got thousand-pound weights on my shoes. What if I mess up? What if he loses a record deal because of me? What if I forget the lyrics? "Wait!" I grab his white button down, then let go quickly, realizing what I just did. "Sorry. I—I'm nervous. What if I mess up? I don't want to let you down. I mean, do you really need the duet? I think that maybe—"

"Hey, hey, hey." Hudson turns, lowering himself to get face to face, talking with a soothing voice. "You're going to do great." His hands slide into mine, and I squeeze him back. "You have an amazing voice. Do you know that?"

I raise my eyes from the floor to his face. Sincerity written all over his features.

"I don't want to be the reason you don't get a record deal."

"But what if you're the reason I do?" His minty breath blows across my face. "I need you, Josie. Can you do this?"

I need you, Josie. The words send chills down my spine. I close my eyes, taking deep breaths while psyching myself up. Hudson's still got a grip on my hands, and his forehead comes to rest on mine. It's intimate, and comforting, and I don't want to leave this little bubble. But I also know I shouldn't be doing it, so I attempt to step away.

"I can do it."

Before I can pull us apart, his strong arms hold me still. I snap my head up, noticing his eyes on my lips. Electricity shoots all the way from our intertwined hands down to my feet, but I quickly step away.

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