Chapter Fourteen

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I'm tingling from my head to my toes. My dreams are coming true right before my eyes. I got handed a big fat check when I walked through the door. Life-changing money. Money to help me finally start accomplishing my goals.

It's only the beginning, too, and that makes me even more excited.

This is one of those moments I wish I could go back in time and show to my younger self. The me that was struggling to keep my head above water and wondering if I was making the right choices would love this.

This is it. What I've worked so hard for, and as long as people enjoy what they hear, it's only up from now on.

Josie and I are seated on stools, each at our own separate microphones.

Behind the glass is Mark, Deanna and a couple other people here to help with sound.

This is the first time I've felt like a real artist. The hours have gone by like minutes, and I know we're about to wrap up soon, but I'm not ready.

Josie seems to be coming alive, too. After the party last week, she fell asleep on the drive back to the city. Then, the rest of the week she submerged herself in homework. I saw her for a show on Saturday, but Livi hung out with us, too, and we didn't get to discuss what happened in the shed.

Not that we need to discuss it. Josie just got out of a relationship, and I've never wanted to discuss things with a woman before. I don't know what's wrong with me. Other than this EP, she's all I can think about.

"Alright, guys. It's ten-thirty. Let's wrap up here and pick back up Thursday at six."

"This is crazy." Josie pulls off her headphones, "It's surreal hearing it come together. I can't imagine how you feel."

"It's wild." I grin down at her, wanting anything but this night to end. "Want to grab a drink?"

"Um... I have an eight AM class in the morning." She chews her lip a moment, casting her gaze down before lifting it back up. "Do you want to go to college?"

"Not if this singing thing takes off."

"No, I mean, do you want to come with me tomorrow? The class sizes are so big, they'll never realize you don't belong. Plus, it'll be fun. I live in your world all the time, why don't you come live in mine for a day?"

I want to say no. I don't want to sit in uncomfortable chairs and listen to some dick professor go on for hours. But Josie is looking at me with a hopeful face, and I think I'd slam my hand in my truck door if it would make her happy.

"Okay. Do you want to meet there or ride together?"

"How about you stay with me tonight?"

The question is rushed, and I don't comprehend what she's said until a moment later. I hold back a grin. Her innocence amuses me.

"Sure. I'll come stay with you."

We say goodbye to everyone and then I follow her red convertible across town. I spend most of the drive bargaining with myself that my spending the night with her doesn't mean I'll get laid. It's fine if I don't, but I want it so badly it's hard to get it out of my head.

This could be a fucking slumber party to Josie for all I know. Maybe the kiss the other night was a fluke. It could've been a buildup of all her emotions and anger from what happened with Trey. I'm probably nothing more than a distraction.

I park beside her and follow her up the stairs. Livi isn't home, Josie tells me, explaining that Pint Night is happening at her favorite bar and that she'll probably crash at her friend's place.

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