Sibling Day: Heeseung

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~Y/n's POV~

I wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7:00 a.m. 

"It's going to be a busy day" I say to myself as I remember 2 things.                1. Today is the first day. Which means it's Hee's day                                                  2. He's an early riser. Which means he's probably already up and the day has already begun. I go downstairs to see Heeseung sitting on his phone at the kitchen island. "Probably waiting for me." I think as I noticed he's already in day clothes with his hair brushed.

"Good morning oppa!" I say as I go and kiss his cheek.

"Good morning princess." He says smiling at me, as he goes back to whatever he was doing on his phone. I look at him with a weird expression as he looked back at his phone. "I thought we were leaving?" I thought. So I ask him,

"Hey oppa?" I say.

"Hmm?" He answers looking up from his phone.

"Are you ready to go? Or are you waiting for something? I mean you're kinda just sitting there." Instead of answering he just looks at me with a confused look.

~Heeseung's POV~

I look at Y/n with a confused look and tilt my head to the side in disbelief.           "Does this girl already forgot that she agreed to making breakfast?" I think to myself, "She definitely didn't get that from me." I didn't notice I was staring at her until she yelled my name.

~Y/n's POV~

I was waiting for Hee to answer me but all he did was stare at me with a confused look on his face.

"Oppa?... Hee?... Heeseung? HEESEUNG!" I yell while snapping my fingers in his face. Finally after I yelled at him he came out of his daze.

"O-oh.. yeah? What were you saying?" He asks me

"I was asking if you were ready to go."

"Silly.. did you forget you agreed to make breakfast?" I sigh as soon as I remember the committment my brothers persuaded me into.

~Flashback To Yesterday~

I am just chilling in my room reading a book when I hear a knock on my door.

"Noona? Can we come in?" I hear Sunoo say.

"Sure." My door opens revealing Sunoo, Jungwon and Ni-ki

"Noona!" Ni-ki says as he jumps on me.

"Hey guys.. is there any reason y'all came to my room?" I ask being a little suspicious.

"Umm... actually yes," Sunoo answers, "We have a proposal for you about the brother days."

"Okay..." I say signaling them to continue.

"Well we thought that since we all love your cooking because you're just so great..." Sunoo starts

"Thatmaybeapartoftheplanwillbeyou cookbreakfastspecificallyforthatbrother andyou?" Jungwon finished, talking so fast I could barely understand him.
(That maybe apart of the plan will be you cook breakfast specifically for that brother and you?)

I stare at them in disbelief before answering, "No. Absolutely not. I don't feel like cooking 7 different meals for 7 different people on 7 different days. And I absolutely refuse to do that. If y'all want to eat my cooking I'll cook all of us dinner or smth but I will under no circumstances cook for y'all individually."

"C'mon. Pleaseee noona? You just came back and we haven't had your cooking in FOREVER.. Please~?" Jungwon and Sunoo said looking st me with puppy eyes.

"No. There's nothing you can do to change my mind."

"Fine we tried. Now dont blaney us for what will happen. Ni-ki." Jungwon said looking at the younger. On cue, Ni-ki looked at me with teary eyes saying, "Noona, dont you wanna cook for us? I thought you loved us and didnt want us to starve. But I guess you dont care.. 😥"
Danggit. They know my weakness. Good play though. I though to myself before turning to Ni-ki and saying, "I love you guys so much you dont even know! And we surely wouldn't want y'all starving! Of course I'll cook breakfast for you guys!"

"Yay! Noona loves us!" Ni-ki says happily as he goes out the room.

"Now for you two," I say turning towards Sunoo and Jungwon, "I would be mad, but it was a good play and execution went smoothly. So for this, I spare you lives. Go get 'em soldiers!" I say saluting them.

~End Of Flashback~

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask Heeseung sighing.

"Waffled please!" He says smiling innocently. After I make the waffles we sit down and eat. After we finish eating I put our plates in the sink.

"So.. what did you wanna do today?" I ask Heeseung as he smiles before answering me.

"Actually I just wanted to stay at the house. Netflix and chill?" He asked me.

"Sounds good to me" Oppa and I went up to my room and found the most fluffiest blankets and pillows we could find and put them on my bed. After we got all snuggled in, we watched Lilo & Stitch. We were in the middle of the movie when Ni-ki came running in my room crying.

"Noona! 😭" He cried out to me as I got out of bed and picked him up.

"What's wrong baby? Why are you crying hmm?" I say as I'm gently rocking him to help calk him down.

"No one wants to play with me! They all says they busy with important stuffs, when I saw Hoonie and Wonnie hyung playing video games in their rooms!"

"Aww, my poor baby. I'm sorry no one will play with you but you can't stay with us. It's Seungie's day remember?"

"B-but.. you're my noona!"

"That's right. I am your noona but I'm also his little sister."


"No buts. How would you like it if when I was supposed to be spending time with you Jungwon came in and I spent time with him instead? How would you feel?"

"Sad.. My noona"

"Exactly. But that's what you just did to Seungie."

"I'm sorry.."

"I accept your apology but you should say sorry to hyung, not me." Ni-ki crawls across my lap over to oppa's.

"I sorry hyung-ie. I dont wanna make you sad."

"Aww it's ok Ni-ki. You didnt know. And I'm not sad see?" Heeseung says while smiling. "How about you stay with us and we can watch your favorite movies?"

"Really?" Ni-ki says. His eyes lighting up.

"Hee-" I try to warn Heeseung to not give in to Ni-ki cause then he'll think he can get everything be wants, but I got cut off by Hee.

"Of course! We'll get you favorite snacks and you can cuddle between me and Y/nnie." And just like that we were watching Moana. I look over to Hee.

"You're a great big brother." I whisper to him.

"Thanks. It is kinda my job." He replies.

"How about after this we can set up another day where it will actually be just the 2 of us? We could go to my apartment so for a fact no one will mess with us." I ask him. He looks towards me and smiles saying, "Sure that sounds nice."

If you're confused on the last part.   Y/n basically has 3 homes. You have the dorm. Which is where you spend most of your time when your working. You have your own apartment which is where you usually have you breaks at. Like whenever you get a break you go there but this time you decided to spend time with your brothers so you went to the family house. Please tell me if this makes sense. I tried my best to explain it.

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