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When they find out your on your period


-He's calm on the outside
-But you best believe he's freaking out on the inside
-Logically, he knows the best thing to do is just act normal
-But he's also terrified of you so he kinda just stands there like: 🧍‍♂️
-Until you need him for something
-Then he won't leave you alone and is running around the house, trying to predict your needs
- "Do you uh.. do you like maybe need anything love? Cuddles? Chocolate?"


-He is definitely the overprotective type boyfriend
-Hects like you're pregnant and literally won't let you do anything, not even eat on your own
-Cooks all your cravings for you
-You want some steak? He'll go kill the cow himself.
-Uses this as an excuse to buy you expensive things, like rings and purses
- "There's a reason I call you my baby, baby"


-He wants to be there for you but doesn't really know how
-He sure does try though
-Checks up on you every 15 mins, making sure you haven't changed your mind about anything
-The fact that your mood changes every hour doesn't help either
-Boy is scared to even do anything in case you change your mind
- "Hey bub, you still okay? Sure you don't want any chocolate or ice cream?"


-Put this poor boy out his misery already
-He's just generally awkward which makes you think he's uncomfortable
-So you don't ask him for anything and he wants to be there for you but also doesn't want to push you
-There's just a lot of miscommunication and confusion overall
- "Hey Sunghoon? Would you uh maybe mind going to the store for me? If you're okay with it"
- "Huh? Oh! Uh y-yeah totally. A-anything for you ehehe"


-Now, Sunoo doesn't exactly understand everything, but he's willing to learn
-He's very curious and asks you questions about EVERYTHING
-What it feels like, what makes it better, why it happens
-Once he understands though, he's very supportive and caring
-Buys everything you need and sets up some movies and a blanket fort for you two
- "Surprise! I hope this makes you feel better. I got the chocolates that you like and I set up the TV to where we can cuddle and still watch!"


-He understands the assignment
-Because of his sister, he already knows all about your pain and your possible cravings
-He manages your period better than you
-He knows your cravings before you have them and he can anticipate your every need
-Stalked up on everything you could ever need so that he doesn't have to leave you alone while you're in pain
- "Jungwo-" "Here's your banana split with a 1:2 ratio of chocolate and caramel drizzle with heavy whipped cream and just a dash of peanuts. Oh! And your extra cherries on top!" "I- how did you know???"


-Ni-ki has sisters so he also fully understands the process
-However, the way he processes it is different
-All he sees is that girls are scary, bossy, and mean at that time
-Whenever you let him know that you started, he locks himself in the room and makes you sleep in the guest room
-He used to be understanding, but once he experienced your full unhinged anger after eating the last of the chocolates he's learned self-preservation skills
- "NI-KI! LET! ME! IN!" "Why should I? I have a better survival rate when there's a door between us!"

Hi! Just a reminder that everything I write is fiction and just for fun. It isn't meant to reflect the actual people. If you enjoyed this, make sure to vote and comment. It would be ✨️greatly appreciated✨️

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