Sibling Day: Jay(Edited)

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~Y/n's POV~

I wake up to someone on top of me, specifically Jay.

"Good Morning Noona." He says giggling, " I thought we could cook breakfast together!"

"Sure thing Jay, just lemme get dress and I'll be downstairs" Once Jay is out my room I close my door and do my morning routine.

Once I'm done I make my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. There I see Heeseung, Jay, and Jake.

"Morning guys" I say as I casually stroll in the kitchen

"Morning." They answer back. I go up to Jay and back hug him asking him what we should make for breakfast.

"Oh! Y'know how you just came back from America? I was thinking maybe you could teach me some recipes from there!"

"How about we make eggs, potatoes, bacon, and biscuits?" I say knowing that it's so simple there is no way anyone can mess it up.

Boy, was I wrong.

10 minutes. I left the kitchen for TEN minutes. When I came back, Jay had managed to burn the bacon, cut his hand, burn his arm trying to put the  potatoes in the oil, and spill half the egg mix on the stove. (It is not my intention to insult Jay or make him look bad. We all know our Park Jongseong be cooking like a chef he's a 5 star Michelin)

Apparently Jake and Heeseung thought they could do better and tried doing it their way to one up Jay. Let's put it this way, the only thing they got one-up on Jay would be injuries. Jake couldn't open the biscuits so he started banging the container around which resulted in him losing grip and accidentally hitting Heeseung in the back, while Jay poured wayy to much milk in the eggs so they weren't even cooking correctly. Then there was Heeseung who was trying to remake the bacon but also ended up burning himself when the oil popped him.


After that incident I decided we should go out to eat for the safety of everyone. So Jay and I decided to just go to the convience store around the corner and eat some ramen.

When we got there, we picked out our ramen and drinks and I paid for everything. Then, we sat down and started talking while eating.

"You know noona, we've all really missed you." Jay said

I jokingly replied, "Of course you did, I'm very missable." Concern etched onto my face as I realised he wasn't joking.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Everytime you leave it breaks us noona. We had gotten so used to you always being there for us, and then you weren't."

"Y'know I'm always here right? You can always talk to me" I replied

At this, Jay seemed to get mad. "But you're not! I know you want us to believe that you'll drop everything if we needed you to, or that you would stop what you're doing to talk to us, but we both know you won't! At the end of the day, you have a very demanding job. One that doesn't allow you any time to spend with us."

I was beyond shocked at his outburst. I replied, "Jay-ah, I know I don't always have time to respond right away when you call or visit as often as I'd like, but you guys will ALWAYS be my #1 priority. Always. I'm sorry that I made you feel like you weren't"

"I think Heeseung hyung took it the hardest. Growing up it was always you two versus the rest of us. Now, he has no one to help him with Niki or remind him to take care of himself, or explain to Sunghoon why we can't turn the backyard into an ice rink."

At this point tears started brimming his eyes, "When you left, we all lost our best friend noona. Without you there, there was no one to help us learn stuff or give us that individual attention."

After he finished his sentence, I started crying too. I pulled him into a hug.

"Jay-ah, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that my absence weighed this much on you guys. I promise I'll try to be better at answering the phone and visiting more often, ok?"

He softly replied, "Ok, noona"

"Now, no more tears. We can't waste our time being sad together now can we? After we're done eating should we go to the movies or go back home?"

He replied with an obvious, "Movies. Definitely movies."

~Timeskip After the Movie~

After the movie we decided to go home and see what the others were up to.

When we got home, Jake and Sunghoon were playing video games while Jungwon watched, waiting for his turn. Niki was at the table, either drawing or coloring a picture I couldn't see from here. Sunoo I suppose was in the bathroom doing a skin care routine because I heard the water running and Heeseung was no where to he found.

Right when the front door closed, Niki's head popped up and immediately found me. He ran to me with his picture that he'd drawn.

When I bent down to look at it he said, "Look noona! I drew a picture of me and you!" It was a drawing of two stick figures in what seemed to be our living room. There was no resemblance to his muses except the fact that one was tall with long, multicolored hair (probably me), and the other one was shorter with short, brown hair. Nevertheless, I would cherish it forever.

"Omg Niki! This is so good! You did this all by yourself? I'm so proud of you! I'm going to hang this in my dorm when I get back and when the others asked where I got it, I'm going to tell them that my brother made it especially for me." I told him.

This seemed to satisfy him because he went back to the table with a big smile on his face. Suddenly, Heeseung came out of the kitchen with a plate with apple slices and peanut butter on them, presumably a snack for Niki.

"Niki!" he scolded, "Didn't I say to stay at the table? Now we have to go wash your hands again." This is when he seemed to notice me and Jay's presence because he looked up and said, "Oh you two are home early, how was the movie?"

I replied with, "It was fine. We just couldn't think of anything else we wanted to do so we came home."

"Oh ok. Well, let me know if you need anything" He responded

"Ok, oppa, we will. But it looks like you need more help than us." He was currently trying to feed a stubborn Niki his apple slices when Jake ran by and bumped into Heeseung making the water he was holding get all over Heeseung's clothes and the floor.

That's when Jay turned to me and said, "You know what? It's fine noona. We can end our day here. Clearly hyung needs your help too and it would be selfish of me to keep you from helping him."

I turned to look at him saying, "Are you sure? I'm sure oppa could handle it on his own. We can still do something else if you want."

"No, it's ok noona. Help hyung and the others. I'm going to go rest in my room. But thank you for today. I had a lot of fun."

I responded with, "You're welcome Jay-ah."

After Jay went upstairs, I turned to help Heeseung feed Niki and clean. Just like that, day 2 of my siblings day came to an end.

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